And so on. This week's CrimeBeat! is brought to you by the letters F and U, and the number tequila. It's a Satan's Asshole week at CrimeBeat! Home Office, between work, grandparental health issues and it being Day 15 of Dr. Mrs. Mayhem being in the goddamned Himalayas. Enjoy your week,
Offseason stories
Knee Injuries Part 4: Surgery.
A Voicemail Salute to Sterling Mallory Archer
During these dark, feces-filled times that we call April through July (Most Glorious Draft Weekend aside), one must find cold comfort where one can. There is reading (I just finished Orlando Figes' "The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia" - HIGHLY recommended), and there is prestige television. From
CrimeBeat!: Second Thoughts Edition
The Dog Days of Off-Season
“Drafting For Character” and Other Spectacular Draft Lies
CrimeBeat!: Drafticipation Edition
OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ! The Honorable, the Right Reverend Electric Mayhem. All persons having business before this poorly-written, barely coherent pseudo-tabloid-news-show internet column are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Chief Asshat is now sitting. God save the Commentariat and this Sport we love and revile. We have
CrimeBeat!: Celebratory Edition
Alright kids- turns out I am doing this week's CrimeBeat!, because my Dad ended up defying expectations and not dying on the operating table. Go modern medicine! I am exhausted and jubilant and incredibly pissed off that clients don't seem to understand the term "family medical emergency" when they really need
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Midweek Special!
I know you're disappointed that, for travel-related reasons, your weekly dose of AFL Beat will be delayed. In an effort to tide you over, I offer this little analysis I did in which I asked the question: What if the NFL used the AFL system to determine playoff seedings? I compiled the