Self-righteous crap and crying: what a way to start 2021. Never underestimate media and charisma. Yeah, charisma; folks in leadership positions do acquire it, even despite personality. Also, overexposure turns the mind into mush. So when a powerful figure speaks, the minions do not require a direct message to stoke irrational
The D of S, Vol. II: Alle Porte del Purgatorio
Through the climb of Ante-Purgatory, about five minutes after the last volume ended TWBS: Hey, why'd you do that? We could have watched football and had beer and nachos with Gerry Ford! Senor: As much fun as that would have been we have to move. I know, it's unfortunate, but we would've
Rob Manfred Wishes He Were a National Disgrace
Nice to see those one-year punishments were so effective and black-balled the coaches involved, right? Ha. AJ Hinch (former Astros manager) to the Tigers. Alex Cora (former Astros bench coach, Red Sox manager, and ringleader of BOTH verified cheating scandals as Buzzergate wasn't confirmed *jerking motion*) gets RE-HIRED by the Red
#DisBelieveland: 2020 Cleveland Browns Bye Week Update
Quick: without looking at their record, are the Cleveland Browns a good team or a bad team? Got an answer? You're wrong. Whichever way you answered, you're wrong. Cleveland is a Limited Heisenberg Uncertainty Team: at any given time, you can know where they are, but you can't know where they are going.
Curse Yeeeewwww, International Breaks (and White Male Privilege) Open Thread
I still stand by my decision to turn the teevee off Thursday night. But, oh how I enjoyed some Friday morning schadenfreude. Yeah, the "uber-smart" G.O.A.T. (Fucker)...forgot what down it was during the final, failed drive. But what that funny little moment really did, to my mind? Illustrate the insidiousness of
Imaginary Coach Loses Imaginary Job
Or jobs, for that matter. Bill O'Brien is relieved of his duties for the Houston Football Team. Well, it's only about 9 months too late after blowing a 24-0 lead to the Chefs in the divisional round, but better late than never, I guess? Too bad the Te-xans (I think that's
Football’s Sh***iest Cosplay: Your 2020 Detroit Lions Season Preview
Sabado Already?? Open Thread
Jeebus, how time flies alternate between taking naps and sweating like a Black man in an Alabama court. Oh, and my office in downtown Raleigh shut down at 3p yesterday, and they forbade anyone from going in over the weekend. Seems like some organized violence is going down. You watch, THIS
Stand For The Anthem, Lie Down For The Ventilator: Your 2020 Dallas Cowboys Preview
And To Celebrate, We’re Having Ribs: Your 2020 Reigning, Defending, Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs Preview
A Feast of Crow: 2020 San Francisco 49ers Preview
I Can See Cleeeeeaarrrly Now, Tom Braaaaady’s Gone: 2020 Buffalo Bills Season Preview
[Author's Note: Despite the overwhelmingly positive response to last year's All Interpretive Dance team preview, I have decided not to go back to that well a second year in a row. Try to contain your disappointment.] So here it is. It's finally happening. Like Christmas morning, high school graduation and losing