Editor's note: Read Part 1 here. The asphalt radiated heat back up my thighs as I walked back to my car. It was getting hotter by the minute and I needed to get the hell out of Palm Springs. Rölf's story spoiled what was an otherwise lovely brunch. Fuck
Life as We Know It
Sexy Friday the 13th May 2022
I'm doing something different today. It's not out of design but rather out of necessity. Long story short, no time for love doctor Jones. I do want to bring to your attention a brilliant piece of marketing that was revealed last night. It's worth repeating it here: https://twitter.com/chargers/status/1524902549353951232?s=20&t=qNph22SVEZMZGfy1nFoF3g Fucking
The Lady of the Sea of Sin: Part 1
Sexy Friday – Best of Mr. Ayo Showcases
Sundays With Litre: Now with Suntanned/Burned Litre
Sexy Friday Mr. Ayo Showcase #5
Sexy Friday: Mr. Ayo Showcase #4
Subsequent GTD reflections
Sexy Friday Mr. Ayo Showcase #3
Taco Bell Tuesday Open Thread
Oh Boy! Sunday Night with Litre.
Hello from my dungeon of solitude. It finally got me, the Rona. Was it at the Canada game with 35k people losing their mind? No. It was either grocery shopping or working in the resto as I don't really do anything else nowadays. Anyway it sucks and I have been