Bitter Playaz Club

Drop a beat (above) Me and my homies, we ain't feelin' all the love We watchin' all the games at the Bitter Playaz Club Stuck injured or being a backup But ya ain't forgotten when ya at the Bitter Playaz Club Got drafted for showing all the skills But Coach's buddy is number 12, now you

Dogs Is So Stupid!

My girl snapped her chain in her excitement at seeing me arrive at home earlier today.  There's nothing like the enthusiasm of a dog, right? Anyway, she needs to go out in the yard a few times before wifey brings the new chain home later on. There was a 3

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Finals Week One

Programming Note:  I decided to post this on the eve of Finals Week Two because 1)  NFL just started WOOOOOOOO!!! 2) this post was going to get drowned out with all the NFL #content, and 3) This is a Late Night sport and it deserves a Late Night post. So, did

An American Football Fan in Paris

As many DFOers/Kommentists/DFOoses/whatevers know, our own Old School Zero is currently training for a cheese eating/surrendering contest by exploring France from the tip of her Eiffel Tower to the taint of her Larzac Valley. 'Twasn't shortly after arriving in Paris that he intrepidly snapped this photo: Since he didn't get a

The Nateural: Just The Beginning

Nate Boyer: Well, it was a good run. All I ever asked for was a chance and the Seahawks gave me that. It's a business and, as it goes, I guess it was my time to go. It was a rush that I'll never forget. But it feels weird to

DFO Late Night / International Open Thread

Howdy y'all!  I know a lot of us are concentrated in the North American time zones, but there are also a lot of us that live in other parts of the world such as the UK, Australia, and parts beyond.  This post is for you.  Hey, it may be lunchtime