Sexy Friday – 20250228

TGIF! You still have 2 days to binge watch all the Oscar movies, so get to it. Survival - Personal Edition We're enjoying a nice false spring here, which makes one wistful of summer. Which brings to mind the 4th of July and that day's highlight: the hot dog eating contest. Let's

Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 4

Balls stared out the window of his office in one of high-rise buildings in DTLA. It was mid-morning, and, for some reason, the marine layer was sticking around.  Normally, it receded to the beach communities until around noon when it went away completely, but it was thick in DTLA and

Sexy Friday – 20250125

TGIF! Hope everyone is recovering well from the hockey fever. After all, the NHL regular season resumes tomorrow. Well, except for McAvoy and one of the Tkachucks who are both very much injured. Survival - Personal Edition This is going to go long, like a Sexy Rexy pass. Will I finish in

Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 3

Lady Balls and Balls woke up the next morning slightly tired. They had stayed up late trying to figure out one good deed that tWBS could do that would not hurt anyone and were coming up blank.  Their brains were so taxed with the effort that they didn’t even bother

Sexy Friday – 20250214

TGIF! It's Valentines Day, what are you doing here? No matter, things get better after that because some of us have a 3 day weekend! Survival - Personal Edition This weekend would be a good time to do some grilling. So here's some grilling tips! Start those steaks by lightly coating them

It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 2

“So, you can just pick any woman and inhabit her body?” “Only for a few minutes at a time.” Balls thought about it for a second and then started to panic. “Wait!  You haven’t!” “Dude, I’m not that sick!” “Yeah you are!” “Well, I’ll have you know.  I’m not.  Besides, Lady Balls is not and has