Holy Bananacakes, Batman! That was (mostly) fun, eh? I say mostly because I swept my early afternoon #HAILGAMBLOR, with dominating $50 ATS wins by the P*ts (boo) and the Bearistocrats! (yay-ish), along with a thrilling $60 ML win by the Pylons that be Striped. But I also learned what it felt like to score
Factory of Sadness
And Now, A Very Special Musical Number to Celebrate the Cleveland Browns
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBZ7AfZR9xs (It is tradition to rise.) Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and
INT. CLEVELAND BROWNS BOARD ROOM, WEEK 14 -- 6:25 A.M. Chief Strategy Officer Paul DePodesta knocks once and enters through the doorway. The room is occupied but eerily quiet for a Thursday morning. His coworkers, General Manager Sashi Brown and Coach Hue Jackson, quietly greet DePodesta as he grabs a chair between
Your “Just Go With The Flow” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
USMNT supporters react rationally
Hope Clicks Eternal – The Cleveland Browns
Who Could It Be Now?
EXT. CLEVELAND BROWNS ORGANIZED TEAM ACTIVITIES – BEREA, OH Roster mastermind Paul DePodesta watches OTAs from a golf cart in the shade near the practice field. As players run drills and scripted non-contact plays, DePodesta focuses his attention from prospect to prospect, timing the ladder drill or counting the steps of a dropping cornerback.
Your “Hey, Where’s the NFL?” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Wait?! Why am I writing a Thursday Open Thread? That must mean... Oh no... Dear God... The offseason is partially at hand! What horrors await? Why: Three months of "...and the Browns are on the clock." Six months of waiting for training camps to start. Eight months until the Browns are eliminated from playoff
CrimeBeat! Triumphant Return Edition
Oh men. MEN! I apologize, from the deepest cockles of my heart, for the no-doubt-emotionally-devastating wasteland that your lives have been during the prolonged hiatus of CrimeBeat! But fear not, sinners, for the Right Reverend is here to give you succor. (Note: sorry for the format- doing this from my phone
Your “You Call This A Blitz, Goodell?” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
(Many, many thanks to Low Commander for the photoshop) NFL News: The London games have been announced for the 2017 NFL schedule. So much for continuing the "special relationship": (Week; Date; Visiting Team vs. Home Team; Site) 3 or 4; 9/24/17 or 10/1/17; Baltimore Ravens vs. Jacksonville Jaguars; Wembley Stadium 3
Your “December Is Knucklehead Season!” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
Down by the Lakeside
INT. FIRST ENERGY STADIUM PRESS ROOM A group of reporters fill the chairs before an empty speakers table. Members of the Browns press corps are somberly discussing the game and comparing notes for their morning columns They hush themselves and begin turning on their recording devices and scribbling on their notepads as Browns Coach