Does dim llawer o lwyddiant i’w gael yn hanes pêl-droed Cymru. Aeth Cymru i mewn i gêm gymhwyso Cwpan y Byd FIFA am y tro cyntaf yn y 1950au. Ac eithrio rhediad sydd bellach bron yn chwedlonol i rownd yr wyth olaf yng Nghwpan y Byd 1958 (lle collodd y
Better Know a Slave LaboUr Cup Participant – Senegal! (and JV early)
And all the Angels vomited: World Cup Preview. Switzerland!
November Spawned This Lesser Footy
MOAR Saturday Funsies – Early Thread
Good morning! God's in His heaven, MRSA Dreamboat is 3-5. Let's do some Sabado-ing. Leicester and City of Men kick our day off (7:30, USA), and it is worth a viewing. You can nap later. Hulk SMASH! the recent "Foxy Footy competence boomlet" - at least, humanity hopes. USA has the
Your 2022 World Cup México Preview
Question Time Saturday (Early Open Thread)
Ides of October, 2022 Early Thread
The Greatest of HippoShame (and Early Footy Thread)
Partially Lesser and Fully (Early) JV Thread
Well, the stupid Queen is still fucking ded. I still don't care, apart from this weekend's schedule being at least less fucked up (though note that "fashionable" Sky Six sides Chelski, Men Untied, and Filthy Redshite all get the weekend off after their European travels). Partial fuckery beats full fuckery. No
“European Hangover?” EPL and Early JV Thread
The Qatar Slave LaboUr Cup has messed with footy's schedule, and we got Shempions action in the first week of September (and before any international break). Perhaps this will cause a little heartburn for the European contestants, or we won't notice at all. Anyway, none of this is Thomas Tuchel, who
JV Saturday Thread teh Firstest
There's a fuckton of action (AND narrative!!) later tonight, so that will get its own thread. But don't neglect the hors d'oeveres! NC State (-11.5) at East Carolina (Noon, ESPN) NC State should never, ever play these hillbilly Deliverance extras. ESPECIALLY in Satan's taint (aka Greenville, North Cakalaky). But, because our "leadership"