Your “One Week Until the Jets/Bears/Giants Blow Their Pick” Thursday Evening Open Thread

The Draft is next Thursday! [DFO] will be your Open Thread headquarters, so tell your friends. NFL Notes: It's "New Rules" Day: Replay will now involve "consultation" between the refs of the field and the booth in New York. In technical terms, the authority to consult with referees on certain "specific,

Instant Non-Hippo Thoughts – Post Superb Owl Edition


Ye Olde Hippo decided to boycott this year's game for one reason or another. Maybe he knew that Brady would win and he didn't want to be subjected to the never-ending dick-slobbering that would ensue. It's funny because I thought that RTD was the one that was trying to cut

Tuesday nights open threads

What up all? As always, I hope you're as well as can be considering all the shit going on in the world these days.  I try to stay away from politics, but only one more sleep until there's a new president, so that's a plus, i think. I'm hoping it's

Last Tuesday of 2020 open thread

Hey all, this is your "crap I've got to write the open thread for tonight and just remembered even thought I've been sitting around all day doing sweet fuck all" Tuesday night open thread.  Hope you are all well and that your sugar and gravy levels are returning to normal

Another Tuesday Night opens thread

Are you ready for some football Christmas?  It's only 10 days away now. I was at the mall last week to try to finish some of my shopping.  That's the first time since I was in a mall since March.  Had to answer a bunch of questions on the way

THE ROAD to Area 51

banner image via He carefully checked the expansive sky for signs of rain as he loaded the saddlebags on his Harley. The gun was probably not necessary since the last live human he saw had been over 4 months ago. Out here in the desert though? Probably best to be safe. The

Instant Hippo Thoughts

"OW MY HEAD!" "UGH, MY STOMACH!" "YIKES,  MY BALLS!" These may be some of the thoughts going through Hippo's head today as he is under the weather and has requested assistance in fulfilling his weekly report to you fine folks. Now,  granted,  I do not speak hillbilly although I can understand it. Thus,  you

Your NLCS Game 3 Open Thread

/gets called into DFO backroom/dungeon Balls: WHAT? Mysterious Hooded Figure holding a beer: Dude,  WTF? Balls: WYTAW? Mysterious Hooded Figure holding a blunt: What day is it today,  asshole? Balls: Uh, Friday? MHFH a beer: Seriously? Balls: Wednesday? MHFH a blunt: FFS, it's Monday!! As in MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!?!? Balls: You guys know I don't like the NFL, right? MHFH