25 Questions About…

This... Illnesses. Since it seems to be a big thing on everyone's mind these days for obvious reasons I figured what the heck, let's do this.  Maybe there might be a little levity.  Or maybe I'm just sick (lol, get it?). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oUAekdWSO4 So without further adieu let's get started, shall we? When you were

25 Questions About….

This: Today's topic comes to us courtesy of our own Litre_cola, who shared the above advertisement in the backroom and got my wheels spinning. As you know by now, I've got... questions. What's "gst"?Is it weird that that's the first question I asked?Should I update my wardrobe to add more black shirts, white

25 Questions – Bud Light Queen

While we may dislike the company itself and/or the product they sell (my Mexican friends famously call it "pipi beer"), you can't deny that Anheuser Busch advertising campaigns are effective. Everyone remembers the three frogs, right? https://youtu.be/WkavReH4LE0 Modern Day Louisiana Everyone also remembers the years when everyone answered the phone by saying,

Final thoughts: The 2018 World Cup comes to an end

The dust has been settled, the alcohol from Sunday has finally worn off and the teams have gone home. It's time for some concluding thoughts about this World Cup. Where do you rank this World Cup? Balls: I've said it before,  but I honestly think it's the Best World Cup EVAR! I've

25 Questions About…

This Apparently,  stupidity and sexual harassment is not restricted to active NFL players.  In the latest scandal to rock the NFL, several on-air personalities and former players employed by the NFL's own Network are being accused of some very bad things. I'm SO happy that the current climate allows for assholes like

25 Questions (Plus One)…

...About this... Sort of. This one is a little different than our normal 25 Questions format, so pay attention. While any and all you are more than welcome to answer these questions regarding yourselves and your own Las Vegas experiences, and I think we'd all enjoy it if you would.... This one is actually

25 Questions About….

This Actually, it's really about this Allow me to explain.  Around the DFO water cooler,  Litre_ cola suggested that we rename the Houston Texans. We did this already with The Washington Redacteds and it makes sense to me since Deshaun Watson has proven to be really good and may actually push the