As you may remember from last week, our resident Evertonian, King Hippo, is in recovery after the shock of the hiring of Samuel "Fat Sam" Allardyce as Everton's manager. Not knowing the history of this asshole, I did some cursory Wikipedia research and found out exactly why Hippo hates him so. Consider
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A New Look for Dannon
Operator: Dallas County Telephone Operator Extension Line Eight-Eight, how may I direct your call?….I see, yes sir, I believe he is expecting you….(Phone Clicks)…Alright, you are connected to the video conference line with Mr Prescott. Cam Newton: Hey young buck, thanks for taking my call. Dak Prescott: Oh yeah man! For MVP Cam Newton, anything man! So what's
Your 2017 #DoLoThroDo Recap
2017 Indianapolis Colts Preview
For your 2017 Indianapolis Colts preview, I had an imaginary conversion with myself. Enjoy. So the Colts, huh. Didn't they used to be good? The Indianapolis Colts, né Baltimore Colts, have quite a storied history. The team began as the Miami Seahawks of the All America Football Conference in 1946 and were
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 18
25 Questions About…
This I speak of course, about the ole In-n-Out. If you are reading the header, you are probably thinking, "There goes Balls, going into something sexual again! I wonder if he's going to talk about ass play again..." Well, dear reader, you are partially correct. As you well know, I can
Your “I hope you’ve been good ’cause you’re getting a treat today” Open Thread
The Balls Regimen – The DFO guide to good health
So, some of the comments on the Open Threads have gotten me to thinking about the health of our DFO family. I've spent a lot of time, energy, and money trying to figure out the best way to stay young and I figured I would pass on to you fine
Your “Greatest Day in Motorsports” Open Thread
25 Questions About….
this: I am a young man of a certain age. That certain age means that I grew up under the threat of nuclear armageddon during the Cold War. I also saw the end of the Cold War and the uneasy transition to the world we live in today where enemies are
In Search of a Goddess – The Finale
In Search of a Goddess – Episode 12
We rejoin our three (3? Yeah, 3!) heroes as tWBS and balls are pitching their tents (phrasing) at a campsite in Joshua Tree National Park. It's characterized by rugged rock formations and stark desert landscapes. Named for the region’s twisted, bristled Joshua trees, the park straddles the cactus-dotted Colorado Desert and the