Meanwhile, in Oakland…

  Editor's Note: the following conversation was inspired by (and some dialogue was lifted directly from) a discussion that took place at about Jonathan Martin's admission of suicidal thoughts.   EXT.  OAKLAND COLISEUM PARKING LOT - MIDDAY XAVIER: ...we all wear masks from time to time to fit perceptual reality. It sounds like he never

Request Line: Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal with Rex Grossman

Folks, there isn't as single place on this planet where Rex Grossman hasn't made the ladies holler. Hotels, motels, planes, trains, sailboats, nightclubs, haylofts, changing rooms, dorm rooms, coat rooms, operating rooms, Mike Shanahan's office, circus tents, ski lifts, elevators, balconies, vineyards, movie theaters, backstage, ON stage, alleys, horse-drawn carriages, shipping

Kommenter Beer Barrel: Beer Pumpkinization / Open Thread

This week, I discuss the annual influx of pumpkin beers, and when is early too early?  Away we go to the land of STRONG BEER TAEKS. #upforwhatever, except decent beer, I guess The summer is ending, kids across the nation are returning to school, football is returning (Woo hoo!), and, of course, pumpkin-flavored

ESPN At The Little League World Series

KARL RAVECH:  Hi Folks, Karl Ravech here in Williamsport, PA, home of the Little League World Series, where we'll be spending the next week exploiting and psychologically damaging 12 and 13 year olds by subjecting them to the sort in intense scrutiny usually reserved for SEC football players.  Except the


Never has been. From the (perfectly legally) ‘roided up teams of the 70s to the Dastardly Duo currently under center, the “Steeler Way” has always been the same “Way” as every other franchise: Win At All Costs. That’s it. The sanctimonious moaning and wailing from the Confluence over the Michael Vick signing would be