Offseason QB Interviews! Oakland Edition

It is a dreary day in Oakland as I arrive at the ‘international’ airport. I can’t help but notice that this seems like a third world airport minus the tuk-tuks outside. As I make my way to the facility I wonder how the new announcement of the new head

STRAIGHT UP TRIPPIN IN L.A, YO! Boots on the Ground: Saints at Rams by DJ Taj

Banner image courtesy of the legendary Ralph Steadman. Turn off your mind, relax and just float along with me. Maybe it was the 50 grams of high grade edible pot or maybe it was the terribly (we'll get to that ) overpriced beers but what started out was a simple idea, I'm

DFO-CON Vegas II – We’re All Still Alive

As most of you are aware, and are probably tired of hearing about by now I'm sure, some of us here at DFO got together this past weekend in Las Vegas for fun and fellowship.  It was our 2nd consecutive year in Vegas.  And though our numbers may have been

Boots on the Ground: Valhalla

On Saturday 10-21-17 through Tuesday 10-24-17, I fulfilled a major goal and visited Minneapolis to see a Vikings game and to just as importantly see the new US Bank Stadium. Holy fucking shit kids. This stadium is incredible. Some of the reasons for choosing this weekend was; it was right around my

Rams Stadium Update Pt 2: Inglewood. Still Up to No Good.

It has been awhile since I brought you the first LA Rams Stadium update and I figured it was about time we head on back to Inglewood to see how the development was going. So I took it upon myself as both your intrepid reporter as well as the DFO

We aren’t in Le-High anymore.

Current DFO Clubhouse before the Puerto Rican money rolls in. The Commentists are all sitting around drinking their favoUrite libations and imbibing their narcotic of choice when suddenly there is a knock on the door. Through the marijuana haze MTWV peers through the window and falls back asleep. LITRE COLA :I guess

Commentist Beer Barrel: Boots on the Ground – San Diego International Beer Festival 2017

Ladies, Gentlemen and Beings of Inconceivable Horror, welcome to yet another guest edition of the Beer Barrel without Make It Snow. I am Low Commander of the Super Soldiers and much like Mattingly's sideburns, you just can't get rid of me. But fear not, for I have an extra special edition

Boots on the Ground – entropy Visits His Local Chili Cook Off

Hey folks, and welcome from the aftermath of the Lehigh Valley Chili Cook Off, held just offshore of the majestic Lehigh River, near these monstrosities: These giant industrial beauties are what remains of the once-proud Bethlehem Steel plant, and they used to produce a truly inspiring amount of local pollution so

Boots on the Ground: NASCAR Auto Club 400

As many of you know, I was born in Mexico.  Therefore,  I'm obligated to love auto racing. Them's the rules. You may or may not also know that I love me some NASCAR.  Unfortunately,  I've never been to a live race.  Until this weekend. I have a buddy at work that

25 Questions About The NFL From A Barely Interested Former “Fan”

In case you were interested, no I did not buy the Groupon from last week. Now that I know that tWBS lives within miles of Adam and Eve HQ, there is no need.  That will, I'm sure, also come in handy during our adventures in the desert. Stay tuned. This week,