Your Daytona 500 Sunday Evening Open Thread

Does anyone else gets annoyed by those Happy Daytona Day ads? Luckily, I'm not the only one: Listen, today is a big day because it's the "Official" start of the NASCAR season (even though we had two Duels on Thursday and a Clash last Sunday).  The Clash was an exhibition race between

At The Movies VI – A Threesome NOT Nominated For An AVN

[INTERIOR,  DFO CLUBHOUSE] TWBS: Yo, you awake? Balls (moving aside empty pizza boxes): I am now. Whaddayawant? TWBS: So, I was thinking of something. Balls: You need to be careful. You don't do it very well. TWBS: Very funny.  I'm serious. Balls: Me too. TWBS: ANYWAY.  So, I was talking to Beastie the other day... Balls: Beastie is

Goddess II – Episode 3

[Mandalay Bay Poker Room, Almost Two Hours Later] The tournament has whittled its way down to only three.  balls, tWBS and yes...the OBfP.  But OBfP's stack of chips has dwindled over the past few hands and she's becoming desperate.  The dealer shuffles and begins dealing the next hand. Just then, tWBS feels

Goddess II – Episode 2

[Sedona, Arizona, The Following Morning] Leticia (banging on bathroom door):  Hey!!!!  Have you got all your things ready?  The bellhop will be here for our bags soon.  You're already gorgeous anyway.  Hurry the hell up, would you? Vanessa (from inside bathroom):  Almost done.  Just a another minute!!! Leticia:  *sigh* There's a knock at the

Goddess II – Episode 1

[The Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Highway, aka The 10] balls:  So, we're actually meeting the girls in Vegas?!? tWBS:  Yeah sorry.  It was supposed to be a surprise and I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I'm really excited to see Leticia.  I'm surprised Vanessa didn't spill her guts to you about it

Your “Dogfart Invades Europe 2” for Best Foreign Non-Feature AVN Awards Show Nominees

In the same general purple pulsating vein as Make it Snow's Oscars nominees preview,  I present to you this year's nominees for the AVN Awards. The winners will be announced this weekend at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas,  Nevada at a gala you can still buy tickets

Goddess II – Prologue

Last Season, on the Goddess Chronicles....   balls leans in to look at the dashboard of this new girl’s car, just as tWBS has asked.  He’s already annoyed at tWBS, and LCSS too.  At this point he just wants to go home.  Then he sees it.  The small piece of rock tWBS

‘A Christmas Prince’ for Best Picture: Oscar Nomination Predictions and Discussion Thread

Good morning! Condolences to any of you who are actually awake when this goes live. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will announce the nominees for its ridiculous, interminable award show in a few hours, and as a man who's seen, like, forty or so of 2017's new

TGISF… Well I Guess That’s Music, Allegedly – #1

It's Been A While, Eh? Greetings and salutations, perverts.  Haven't seen you since last year FFS.  Miss me yet?  Yeah, I thought not.  But if you've been reading along faithfully on Fridays recently, then you already know I stepped away from the controls here for the past few weeks. First and foremost,

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies V

tWBS:  So here we are again.  It's gonna be tough to top last time, ya know. Balls:  Shut the fuck up, Donny!!! tWBS:  You really like saying that, huh? Balls:  Hehehehe....yes. tWBS:  OK, so what should we do this time? Balls:  Duh.... tWBS:  Shit. Balls:  What? tWBS:  It's just been a while since I've seen that one.  And

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies IV

tWBS:  So, do you think the DFOers are getting tired of this quasi movie review thingy we're trying to force upon them yet? Balls:  Probably.  But do we care? tWBS:  A little I guess.  I just don't want them to end up... Balls:  SHUT THE FUCK UP, DONNY!!!! tWBS:  Well that wasn't very nice. Balls: 

And Now, A Very Special Musical Number to Celebrate the Cleveland Browns (It is tradition to rise.) Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and