Not-So-Instant BFC Thoughts (on Aussie Footy)

Did you get that thing I didn't send you? Consider this an alternative "AFL Beat" that will mainly focus on the games I watched/tracked this weekend (and I make no promises of doing this on the reg). Keep in mind that I watch these games post hoc on the WatchAFL app,

Brackets and Madness and Watching TV While Working – The DFO NCAA Basketball Tourney Preview

We've reached The Ides of March, which can only mean one thing: Time to stab your local emperor! If you don't have an emperor, then I guess you can fill out an NCAA Basketball bracket instead. Every March, the top 64 or 68 or whatever teams meet in a single-elimination

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Quarantine Buddies!

No fun facts about music and stuff this week. The big thing at Apartment Weaselo is that Senorita Weaselo's staying the next few days, for the most part. Her family's getting hit with covid. She's fine because she's in the basement, but it means she can't come up for food.