Big news today: The Treasury announced that Andrew Jackson will be removed from the $20 bill and be replaced by Harriet Tubman. The reasons behind the change basically boil down to 1) We should have women on money (since they're the ones spending it amirite?), and 2) Andrew Jackson was
Month: April 2016
According to Google: How Elite is Your Franchise Quarterback?
We all know that Joe Flacco sets the standard for what's considered an elite quarterback. But what about all the other NFL franchises? I've decided to use SOPHISTICATED STATISTICAL ANALYSIS to determine how the other quarterbacks in the NFL stack up. Starting from the top: 32. God Only Knows - Denver
Your “It’s Tuesday. Whoop-De-Facking-Do!” Tuesday Night Open Thread
"Fury" isn't that good a movie. I have some Canadian "Premium" channels so I've been able to watch the last 45 minutes and then immediately watch the movie from the beginning. Shitty movies use "rhyming techniques" over and over and over again. It's a tried-and-true method that creates emotional resonance
CrimeBeat!: Drafticipation Edition
OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ! The Honorable, the Right Reverend Electric Mayhem. All persons having business before this poorly-written, barely coherent pseudo-tabloid-news-show internet column are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Chief Asshat is now sitting. God save the Commentariat and this Sport we love and revile. We have
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E7 – Hurricane Johnny)
Monday Night Open Thread
There's playoff sports on, so discuss. Here's to copious amount of booing from Philly fans.