Note to self: Next time I take a picture for use as a banner, make sure to turn the damned phone sideways as profile pics don't upload so good. Oh well, kill me for having to scroll a bit. I know I've taken a break from Midweek Rations, but I just
Offseason stories
Baking with Litre II
Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #6 – “God. Bless. America”
Tonight's Episode: "God. Bless. America." It was the morning of July 3rd, 2017. It would be a momentous day, though no one would likely ever know. Yeah Right has just swiped his key card, entered his password, scanned his fingerprints and retina, and has finally reached the final security checkpoint.... Yeah Right: I gotta
4th of July Weekend NFL Player PSAs
Your “I hope you’ve been good ’cause you’re getting a treat today” Open Thread
Inside the Bear Den
SCENE: Two large(ish) men speak in hushed tones as the walk the rough and tumble streets of Lake Forest, Illinois. They appear prepared for a long journey, massive backpacks hugging their muscular bodies. Both carry flashlights despite the sun beaming down from its peak height. And on their hips are