Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #6 – “God. Bless. America”

Tonight's Episode: "God. Bless. America." It was the morning of July 3rd, 2017.  It would be a momentous day, though no one would likely ever know. Yeah Right has just swiped his key card, entered his password, scanned his fingerprints and retina, and has finally reached the final security checkpoint.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zu4XlM_89s Yeah Right:  I gotta

4th of July Weekend NFL Player PSAs

Happy (Almost) Independence Day! I hope yeahright is the only one who has to work today, and that no one is cruel enough to make you have to work tomorrow. As you may have read elsewhere on the internets, the king of 4th of July celebrations put out a public service

Your “I hope you’ve been good ’cause you’re getting a treat today” Open Thread

Oh kids.  OH KIDS!  We have a special treat for you.  Today is the day that our own Make It Snow live tweets as he plays Oregon Trail.  This is an annual tradition even more hallowed than the Masters with the benefit of no Jim Nantz and no formalized sexism/racism. Also,

Inside the Bear Den

SCENE: Two large(ish) men speak in hushed tones as the walk the rough and tumble streets of Lake Forest, Illinois. They appear prepared for a long journey, massive backpacks hugging their muscular bodies. Both carry flashlights despite the sun beaming down from its peak height. And on their hips are

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #5 – “In Heat”

Tonight's Episode: "In Heat " He exited the stadium along with a crowd of others.  It was a quiet and somber mass of humanity as the Cubbies had dropped the Sunday game vs the Cardinals, thus losing the weekend series. "This sure as shit ain't like last year!!!!" one frustrated fan shouted.  The

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #4 – “The Friendly Skies”

Tonight's Episode: "The Friendly Skies" The hotel room was a mess.  The sheets were on the floor, there were high heels and underwear everywhere, and the mini-bar was empty. It had been a good night. As he stepped out of the shower, he gave Candy a firm slap on the ass and told her

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #3 – “Snow Day”

Tonight's Episode: Snow Day It was early June and summer was in the air.  Everywhere else but here. Moose - The End Is Well Nigh had just come back inside from shoveling snow. But it was still coming down so hard that he'd never be able to get out and make it to the

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #2 – “Baker’s Dozen”

Tonight's episode: BAKER'S DOZEN It was a fresh crisp evening in the Pacific Northwest.  The hipsters were riding their bikes to the food truck farm alongside the river while vaping their legal weed.  Off in the distance,  a distinct roar of a crowd could be heard as a piece of Tall Timber

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #1 – “Love in a Locker”

Tonight's Episode:  Love in a Locker It was a late spring / early summer day in woody Connecticut.   Schools were letting out and all the kids were happily thinking about their summer plans and emptying out their lockers.  All the old crap was tossed away into the trash receptacles of which