Oh boy! Sunday Night with Litre.

Good day to you all I hope the Sunday scaries are not too severe. Usually on Sunday night I self medicate with some edibles. If lucky I'll get 4 solid hours of sleep uninterrupted until I toss and turn and stress for the next 4 hours. Such is life when

Oh boy! Sunday Night with Litre.

Good evening. Had a bitch of a week and completely gapped on this. Don't say its the weed because I have cut way down. So much so that the company I order off of has recently sent me a "We miss you" email! I got to go to Decilitres new Kindergarten

On the Kindness of Strangers (aka ArmedandHammered Is Really Generous With Beer)

You know what 2020 was good for? Almost nothing. But a) it made (some of) us grateful for time with friends and family and b) it taught many of us that even when we can't go anywhere and are suddenly gifted extra time, we still don't do anything with that.

Hockey and Hooch Thursday night open thread

Are you a toothless drunk named Gary? Do you like watching toothless ice football players? Do you like booze?  Have we* got a rushed, poorly researched, barely thought about, quarter assed post for you. Get well soon BeerGuyRob Here at DFO we quizzed the masses** and asked what drink would you

HOLY HELL MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF IS BACK… Your Thursday PGA Championship slash afternoon open thread

Hawkey is back, the NBA is back (I think?), based ball is sort-of back who knows, football... again, who knows. All of that stated, golf has been back for six weeks. Granted, there aren't any galleries, so, it's been a bit strange, but, I'll take what I can get at

Commentist Beer Barrel: Boots on the Ground – Burgeon Third Anniversary Invitational

This is a bit of a departure from your usual DFO Hate Week musings, as I wanted to bring you a brief interlude of something good. There are few things better than local independent craft beer, at least, in my mind, and the day before the Conference Championship series, I