As I mentioned before, Brocky and Mr. Ayo have very graciously stepped in for a few weeks now and provided the Sexy for us. Today it is Mr. Ayo's fifth showcase. No Balls' Pic O' Da Week until the end of the month. We also have new songs! Enjoy! *** For those
Life as We Know It
Sexy Friday: Mr. Ayo Showcase #4
Subsequent GTD reflections
Sexy Friday Mr. Ayo Showcase #3
Taco Bell Tuesday Open Thread
Oh Boy! Sunday Night with Litre.
Hello from my dungeon of solitude. It finally got me, the Rona. Was it at the Canada game with 35k people losing their mind? No. It was either grocery shopping or working in the resto as I don't really do anything else nowadays. Anyway it sucks and I have been
Sexy Friday Mr. Ayo Showcase #2
A Tradition Unlike Any Other (Ugh) Now, Post-Plague and Sort of Updated! Without Commets from Years Ago!
Hello, friends. It's a tradition unlike any other. It's The Masters. I'm Jim Nantz, and it's my distinct pleasure to bring you one of the great events in all of sports. It's Augusta National Golf Club, the Mecca of professional golf. The pride, the heritage, the racial purity. Yes, The Masters embodies