Goddess II – Episode 1

[The Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Highway, aka The 10] balls:  So, we're actually meeting the girls in Vegas?!? tWBS:  Yeah sorry.  It was supposed to be a surprise and I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I'm really excited to see Leticia.  I'm surprised Vanessa didn't spill her guts to you about it

Offseason QB Interviews – Dallas edition.

It's hate week they said, go to your evil place they said. Is it not bad enough the Eagles have to play the hated P*ts this weekend? Nope, heading to big D to see what is happening with the Cowboys. As a professional journalist from the Upstairs Backlane Hollywood Journalism School

Offseason QB Interviews! – Denver edition.

Ahhh yeaahh Denver. Mountains? Check. Good beer? Check. Legal weed? Check. QB interview? Well, we shall just see about that. I have absolutely no idea who I am going to speak to but I will trust that Internet Dad has this set up for me. First things first have to

Goddess II – Prologue

Last Season, on the Goddess Chronicles....   balls leans in to look at the dashboard of this new girl’s car, just as tWBS has asked.  He’s already annoyed at tWBS, and LCSS too.  At this point he just wants to go home.  Then he sees it.  The small piece of rock tWBS

Welcome to the DFO Off-season!!

Another NFL year is in the books,  but fear not,  dear reader,  for we have plenty of #content to keep you amused and occupied until this mad cycle begins again. All of your favourite off-season recurring features are BACK such as Yeah Right's Sunday Gravy,  RTD's Request Line,  my AFL Beat, 

Offseason QB Interviews! – San Francisco Edition.

Alright, third time lucky I am sure with all the optimism in San Francisco that the dysfunction will have left the facility. /Arrives at AT&T Park Sweet, maybe I can get some of my beloved Dirt Niners gear before my interview. Where the hell is the entrance for the Niners part of

Offseason QB Interviews! Seattle edition.

Ah Seattle, I love this city, sure there is a bunch of hipsters with mismatching clothing so even since Alaska Air lost my bags I can wear the same clothes for days and fit in. That Oakland interview was really strange but I have no fear that I will get

Offseason QB Interviews! Oakland Edition

It is a dreary day in Oakland as I arrive at the ‘international’ airport. I can’t help but notice that this seems like a third world airport minus the tuk-tuks outside. As I make my way to the O.co facility I wonder how the new announcement of the new head

CrimeBeat!: Detroit Lions Season Preview Edition

(Puts on Vince Mancini hat, dusts off Armond White’s seminal work, “Ethnic Frisson: Pretentiously Overbearing Pontification in Mid-Pre-Post-Modern Cinematic TruthBombing”) I am continually fascinated by Detroit in the context of movies. It’s now a tired cliché of dime-store film school refugees and bored-as-shit-on-a-film-junket directors to talk about how New York City is

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #9 – “Special Sauce”

Tonight's Episode: "Special Sauce" The young man sat on the NYC Subway, riding along, lost in thought.  Rehearsals had been cancelled and he unexpectedly had the whole day to himself.  As he sat, thinking about all of the things he wanted to do today, a commotion started on the far end of

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #8 – “Model Behaviour”

Tonight's episode: "Model Behaviour" The apartment was littered with pizza boxes, empty 2 liter bottles, and take-out containers.   The recycling cooperative van had not come around this week.  Maybe they were at the Brewfest?  All he knew is it was an inconvenience.  He would have to put everything in a bag

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #7 – “Errant Balls”

Tonight's Episode: "Errant Balls" It was late on a Monday night in the DFO clubhouse.  The poker table had been well used on this night.  No, not like that, even though BrettFavresColonoscopy had suggested something earlier which....well, never mind.  Didn't matter anyway, as BFC was now passed out, face down in his