This I speak of course, about the ole In-n-Out. If you are reading the header, you are probably thinking, "There goes Balls, going into something sexual again! I wonder if he's going to talk about ass play again..." Well, dear reader, you are partially correct. As you well know, I can
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 16
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat 2017 Round 6
La Madre Patria
The title translates into English literally as "The Mother Country" or colloquially as "The Motherland". This name for Spain is commonly used in Latin America. The relationship between Latin American countries and Spain is....complicated. In Spanish, the phrase "Qué padre!" is roughly translated as "Cool!" or "Awesome!". In contrast, the phrase
25 Questions About……
Europe. As you may remember from last week, I am on vacation in lovely Europe. I am currently drinking alcohol every night and eating like a king every day so, believe me, I am taking FULL advantage of what Europe has to offer. Speaking of, not everyone has been to
Pens-Jacks Quasi-Preview Or Some Such (mostly Ice Stillers)
The Pittsburgh Ice Stillers commence their Stanley Cup title defense against the "third best" team in the Metro Division, Columbus. The Pens recorded their third-best record in franchise history with 111 points, which not only wasn't enough to win the division (piss off, Crapitals), but, has them playing the equally
Canadian Gothic
[INTERIOR of a high-rise condominium kitchen, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 8:03 AM, on a Saturday] A happy-go-lucky Canadian boy is busy making breakfast. He sings a jolly tune with no actual words to it. Joey: Doobie doobie doo, dippy dappa doo... Suddenly, the phone rings. Joey: Gee, it's kinda early on a weekend. I wonder who