Scene: Exterior, late morning on a crisp, unseasonably warm December day in DC. An exciting weekend of football has been completed, as long as you can find "excitement" in missed field goals/extra points, a snowy Bears-49ers game that saw two NFL teams fail to complete a pass in the first quarter

Your “I Don’t Feel Pity – You Chose to Go” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

Statement applies to both Jets fans and [DFO-CON] attendees. One group has better decision-making skills. NFL News: They arrested the shooter of Joe McKnight, and he's being charged with manslaughter. The decision partly comes down to the fact that McKnight got out of his car first, so the accused might claim

Quotables Week 13 Submissions – Balls Filling in Edition

As you are aware if you read last week's Quotables, I am your substitute teacher, Balls, Mr. ofSteelandFury if you will, and I am here to... WHO THREW THAT SPITBALL?? As I was saying, we will have a... DID YOU FART, MR. OfSpam? Ok, now as I was OH GOOD GOD MAN WHAT DID

Balls’ Quarterly Review – And Down The Stretch They Come! (Phrasing)

The first time, I encouraged you to check your testicles.  The second time, I encouraged you to check your breasts. Now, I encourage you to take time out of each day and give yourself a treat.  You deserve it!  With this crazy busy life, and specially the impending holiday season,

“Paying For Dinner & Drinks But No Kiss Goodnight” – A Walking Dead Recap

The warning on that gate seems like a motto for the season, doesn't it? This week: Multiple characters! In multiple storylines! A 90-minute episode! Finally, has "The Walking Dead" emerged from its mediocrity and embraced the light?! Nope. I'm going to freely admit that I watched bits of the episode during commercials (and Earl