Welcome back to the Beat, where we time crunch the important stuff. Whoops. Anyway, the bubble is starting to take shape. Who'll be in, who'll be out, and who'll be freaking out the entire time? We start finding out now. To the fights! Lock-Jaw vs. MadCatterLock-Jaw: 2-1 (W, JD 3-0 vs.
Lesser Sports
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Senor’s Spring Break Update
Balls Magazine Volume 13
Men Untied Rise Again? Lesser Footy Thread
Your “BFC Has More AFL Thoughts” Thursday Night Open Thread
BattleBots Beat: Your Midseason Return
A Tradition Unlike Any Other (Barf): New Post-COVID (kinda)
Hello, friends. It's a tradition unlike any other. It's The Masters. I'm Jim Nantz, and it's my distinct pleasure to bring you one of the great events in all of sports. It's Augusta National Golf Club, the Mecca of professional golf. The pride, the heritage, the racial purity. Yes, The Masters embodies
JV BOLTMEN!! and Fightin’ Horatios! (Open Thread)
WHO YA GOT?? And more importantly....what is the Low Commander/Horatio #ShameBet? Needs must, y'all. JV Hardwood BOLTMEN!! (+7) v. Fightin' Horatios (9:20, CBS) Somehow, these two (seeded 5th and 4th in their respective regions) were the "chalk" picks of the semifinal round. Fuck me, is that ever some glorious chaos. In the final,
1 April Lesser and JV Hardwood Thread
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Your BattleBots Beat Bracket Watch
The season starts back up tomorrow because of the midseason Madness break. Because they don't want BattleBots competing with the chaos that has ensued. (FAU? Hooty hoot, motherfuckas!) Anyway, I've been keeping track, fightwise and done my own crib notes. I'd call it Bubble Watch, but ESPN took that. I know