CrimeBeat!: Death to the Mortals! Edition

Friends, Halloween is upon us. And to be frank, it's perhaps the most depressing holiday on the calendar for the precise life-space-time coordinates I currently inhabit. I'm 35. I'm happily married and have no kids. And that's the hole in the donut for Halloween. Age 1-13: Dress up and get candy. Age

CrimeBeat!: Peter Pantsless Edition

So here we are. We are here. And that's a shame, because on a bright, shiny Fall day we should not be indoors, chained to our computers like slaves to their oars in a Roman galley. We should be outside, feeling the cool air of Mother Nature's Menstrual Period rushing

Your 2016 New York Jets Preview

You Know What This Is.

Let's just get this out of the way now: Hello DFO and Welcome to your 2016 New York Jets Team Preview! (this concludes the portion of this preview that contains actual excitement) So. The New York Jets. Or Jest, or New York Yets, or the North Jersey "Show Us Your Tits!" Unlicensed New

Your “I Want Football And Boobs-Not Necessarily In That Order” Friday Night Open Thread

Aren't breasts of all kinds completely amazing in every way? Let me tell you about my latest experience that occurred just hours ago. I was at the grocery store and I was completely blown away by a perfect set. They were sticking out like a sore thumb at the deli

Your “Hump Day Brings Us Closer To FOOTBAW!” Wednesday Open Thread

[edited to add banner pic and CFL game info] NFL News: Myles Jack has been moved up to first team reps at Jags camp. Leon Hall is getting interest from the Bengals and Giants, both of whom need additional help on the corner. Donovan McNabb would like you to know he

CrimeBeat!: Drafticipation Edition

OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ! The Honorable, the Right Reverend Electric Mayhem. All persons having business before this poorly-written, barely coherent pseudo-tabloid-news-show internet column are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Chief Asshat is now sitting. God save the Commentariat and this Sport we love and revile. We have

Playoffs? Talk about playoffs?? We’re in even if we can’t win a game!

Look, it's no secret that I was pretty hard on the 2015 NFL product. Officiating snafus, points of emphasis, and general game management ineptitudes aside, this season felt like one of little parity. Each conference had a laughing stock division (AFC South & NFC East) whose champion hosted a playoff game where

NFL Speakeasy Stories: 400 gon

When there is nowhere else to go.... Angel’s Share, East Village. 2:47 am, January 4th, 2016 The reverberation of the celebratory fireworks subsided 45 minutes ago. The final revelers exited 30 minutes ago. And the house lights would shut themselves down in 3...2... "One...And click." His voice echoed. Tonight would be the same as every since

NFL Speakeasy Stories: Looper

Angel’s Share, East Village. 2:47 am, November 13th, 2015 In the after-hours of a typical Thursday night, and to the displeasure of the one-women closing staff, two parties seem interested in staying past closing time. The first, an early-30s couple who had been camped at the high top near the window since the after dinner


Well, here it is. Our favorite greatest coach ever gets his shot as the new(ish) head man of the Buffalo Bills. The Bills visit Met Life Stadium at 4-4 (2-1) against a surprisingly competent Jets team, who is 5-3 (3-1). I'm not sure I'm comfortable with living in a world where