Yes, get ready for the traffic to start rolling in. It's that time of year again! For the first time since COVID, the AVN Awards will be held live in Las Vegas on the first weekend in January. Talk about bringing in the new year with a bang! I'm sorry.
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Balls Magazine Volume 1
Mittwoch Holiday Week What The Crap Else Are You Doing This Week Thread
Welcome reprobates, degenerates, and occasional nice people. It's that weird middle-of-the-week day in between Christmas and New Year's, and this year it happens to ba Wednesday for Peak Weirdness. Kids don't have school, and most people I know who have actual job-type-job take this week off, too. Where does that
The Dream of Colonial Revenge: MAR v. FRA Slave LaboUr Cup Semi
You know how it is. Some foreigners come to your backyard like they own the place and steamroll over everything: freedom, language, culture, livelihoods... On the other hand [cleans and places monocle] the very ingratitude. This used to be a handful of huts populated by barefoot and unwashed masses. You
Your MNF Open thread. Now with more balls!
Little Drummer Boy Challenge 2022
Samuel Eto’o Presents: The Cameroon DFO Slave LaboUr Preview
World Cup Preview: South Koera
World Cup of (Slave Labour) Croatia Preview: You will Nazi them coming
From Calgary to Qatar: Wakezilla’s Road to the World Cup.
Hello everyone! Unless you're an American, you probably know that the Lesser footy World Cup will be happening in less than a week's time. And unless you're part of the 0.05% of hardcore Canadian lesser footy fans, you also probably didn't know that Canada qualified for the second time ever--the first