NFL News: Jay Cutler wasted no time putting his scent all over the Hard Rock Stadium litter box by purchasing the #6 from previous owner Brandon Doughty. Terms weren't disclosed, but amongst teammates I'm guessing Doughty won't be paying for meal upgrades above the per diem on the road this
Preseason Football Sucks
Baking with Litre III
Your “What Fresh Hell Is This?” Hall of Fame Game Open Thread
Your “Hurry Up, Baby. Daddy Needs His Fix” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
Day-before Glorious NFL Returns News: It's kind of a light day, because most everything on every team is in a holding pattern until after the first game. Seantrel Henderson is (duh!) appealing his imminent 4-game suspension for violating drug policy. At this point, the only things left on Buffalo's front lines
BattleBots Finale and Awards Blowout!
All right, it's that time, for the last time, it's robot fighting time. For old friends, welcome back! For new friends, welcome to the final BattleBots recap of the summer. I'm your friendly neighborhood Senor Weaselo. We've been following this season's BattleBots since the competing robots were announced back in April,
Your Holiday Monday Evening Open Thread
The Aints are not marching because that would require a ground game – Saints 2016 Preview
Your “College Football Is NOT An Amuse Bouche” Friday Open Thread
Your 2016 Half-Assed Pittsburgh Steelers Season Preview
Yes, you will be shocked and amazed that it took three full-grown adults (and I say the word "adult" in the most sarcastic way possible) to put this together. To be fair, there are REASONS! Mainly one of us not named Balls or Sill put one past the goalie, got his wife
Your “Finally! The Damn Exhibition Season Is About To Come To An End!” Thursday Night Football Open Thread
Minnesota Vikings Preview: Coach Zimmer Addresses the Team.
[interior US Bank Stadium coaches office. Inside Coach Zimmer is tirelessly studying game film of the Tennessee Titans] /knock on door [door flies open] Zygi Wilf: "Yo Zimmy! How the hell are yez? Gettin' the boys ready for another fuckin' season over heah?" Coach Zimmer: "You know I am Zygi! I've got big plans