Dante Hicks Tribute Carpenter Jorb

Allegheny County 9-1-1, what’s the address—

oh, so(u)rry. Force of habit and whatnot. Actually, if yinz didn’t know, there’s a pre-recorded bump of that message so we don’t shred our vocal chords repeating it dozens of times a day. There are many other phrases we repeat dozens of times of day for that!

— Rev locked himself in his own vehicle and can’t figure out how to free himself, so I’m off the couch. I don’t have much to input, since I’m an empty void of anything creative. However, I can say there’s a lot of hawkey and hoops tonight, both pro and semi-pro.




— I hope Alex stops back before too much longer. I can’t be the only one curious how the board game developmenting is progressing. Maybe Bo Nix is starring in his next one.. Does anyone have the link to the DFO board game that was set up last year? My dumbass lost it, and would love to get back there.

— Here’s one question to ponder: what’s one thing about your jorb that majority of coworkers despise, but you enjoy? I hope it’s not math, but it’s probably math.

I’ll save you the time.

— Since we’re obstensibly an NFL blog, how prison-boned are the Saints right now? Holy poop on a stick. Loomis goes overlooked for general manager destruction, but wow. That may be a while to fix. I’m not going to make a weather analogy.

Also, DangerRuss made another Pro Bowl somehow. That’s ten for him, which becomes a big Hall of Fame statistical number that Peter King types slob over. That’s Tomlin Voodoo, I guess. Drake Maye also made the Pro Bowl, and Tua didn’t. #LOLphins?

That’s the extent of my blathering. See yinz below.

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Mostly .gifs, some filler It's in your best interest NOT to call me when I'm at work.
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If Russ Wilson is a Pro Bowler, they need to dissolve the Pro Bowl. Or make them all go bowling on live tv.


My direct boss has zero people skills, but he gets that I do. His boss loves my Clutch shirt (has my name on it don’t cha know), and HIS boss enjoys Crown the Empire. So I guess I enjoy playing out the game. Cheat codes for Life!


select start for two players


I cannot stay logged in. I have to get a new phone, this is fucking ridiculous.


I don’t know why it sucks so much. Someone should do something about it.

[points finger, realizes that three fingers are pointing back at himself]


I don’t really have coworkers, but the one thing I enjoy doing that my, uh, coworking space roommate hates is when I pretend that my work life is completely separate from my home life and abjectly ignoring requests like “can you drive my mother halfway across town to the H-mart so she can buy bean sprouts? They are [eight cents] cheaper there [than at the Vons that is right around the corner].”


for Work dont mind working on legacy apps, enjoy the mystery pain box of trying to reverse engineer people rotten ideas and attentions. Also by not creating new apps I’m not inducing future technical debt.

Doktor Zymm

On the work thing – probably communicating STEM stuff to non-technical people.

Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Doktor Zymm

So despite DHL saying my package was undeliverable due to damage yesterday, today it was delivered just fine with just a small tear on the label that didn’t obscure any information. My new phone is copying accounts over from my current phone at the moment. When it finishes and I play around with it I’ll be interested to see how things like photos look on the e-ink screen.

Doktor Zymm

The pizza delivery guy never has a problem!


An e-ink screen? That thing’s battery must last for a solid week!

Doktor Zymm

That’s what I’m hoping!


The one thing about my job that everyone else dislikes but I enjoy, is being out in the field. I’m a much happier person outside even in bad weather.

Game Time Decision

Good – saw the oldest kid for dinner and a movie as we haven’t seen her in a month or so
Bad – the movie was meh, saw Flight Risk. Save your moneys and stream it
Ugly – it was snowing when we left the theatre and had a fun drive home, 130+km, of “is this the highway” and is “this a lane”. Sooooo many people that shouldn’t be out in the snow.

And lucky me got to clear the driveway when we got in


When you guys annex California, I gotta learn to drive in that stuff

Game Time Decision

Get snow tires and slow down. And it’s not if, its when the vehicle will slide. For the most part take your foot off the petal and steer to safely. I think Mr Ayo had a few notes on this from the article part, what article, from a random sexxy Friday. He also may or may not be the Stig


Some say he polishes his helmet…

Snow tires aren’t entirely necessary. All-years will do fine. But yes, just take it slow and as comfortable as you feel. Let the dicks in trucks go by knowing they will ditch. When you feel a slide, ease off, brake gently as possible and turn. These days the anti locks and traction sensors make it much easier then say a 79 Delta 88. Not that I know. *may have done more than a few 720’s and lived. Ymmv*


I’m scouting ASU before attending this Saturday’s Wildcats at ASU at The Dump.

Their uniforms tonight look atrocious.

Don T

One work thing I like and apparently I’m the only one who does: in-person meetings. Always preferred them. I may even offer to go there, why not.

Game Time Decision

Can you take my meetings?


I hate my job but like my boss and my 9 direct reports.


While doing research for the not very awaited new material I came upon this.


Gross, hope you wiped it off

Horatio Cornblower

One thing about my job that I enjoy and the majority of my co-workers despise?

Eh, probably me.

Senor Weaselo

I don’t know if my coworkers hate it, but I like counterpoint more than anyone else.

Mr. Ayo

I know one thing my coworkers hate. When I RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!

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It’s the cleanup afterwards…


I hear that the Kraken really likes the ladies.


I really hope this is true.

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Last edited 1 month ago by Sharkbait


There’s a lot of industries that cater to the remarkably short-tempered American Consumer. That’s a more clear and present danger than a bunch of fucktards who want to inconvenience anyone in the name of FoxNewsCommandments.


In all honesty, that policy (of telling ICE to fuck off) keeps their passengers safer – not just the swarthy ones, but *all* passengers, because God knows when somebody is going to decide they’d rather go down swinging.

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Lets hope KC brings a new TB to the Super Bowl


yes certainly more catchy than the other version of TB


I don’t have a good feeling about this one. There will be another judgement call like 2 years ago. Will I be drunk and angry? Oh hell yes.


feel Philly spent too much energy and karma blowing up Washington, while refs have plenty in reserve


Traumatic Braininjury?


Also, here is the link/site:



One thing about my job that I enjoy but the majority of co-workers despise?

I am so busy that I don’t take lunch and the day goes by super fast.