Maybe it’s just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There’s almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn’t there. If you’re Jest or The Pauls fan, it’s a week of building excitement that you know will simply overcook into rage-inducing Buttfumbling, but it’s still something to look forward to.
Well, we’ve got a while before that happens again. May as well get comfortable while we all stick it out together. I won’t lie though: this week has been scooting by at a normal clip in my view. I didn’t realize it’s Thursday “already.”
Random thoughts:
— Our vacuum broke last week. My place really needs swept. I currently do not have the discretionary funds to obtain a new one, and the prospects of doing so the immediate future aren’t good. Can I borrow one from the Mrs, Rikki? I’ll return it in a less-used condition, even more than the vibrator and Big Turk bar.
— 4 Nations hawkey tournament kicked off last night, with the Canadians defeating the Swedes, 4-3 in overtime. The Canucks blew two different two-goals leads, 2-0 and 3-1, but still got the OT victory. Sidney Crosby had three assists for Team Maple Leaves. Dude really hasn’t lost a step whatsoever. Too bad his professional organization lost their way about five years ago, and can’t decide to just tank for a rebuild or continue to surround Crosby with mediocre-at-best “talent” and wonder why the team is about to miss the playoff again.
The Crapitals have given Ovie a lifeline, but the Fenway Sports Group doesn’t understand (or care) what “progress” and “talent development” are.
Anyway, the USA and Finland square off later. I’ll provide some tangential coverage during the night thread, as I’m sure others here will. Again, can’t wait to see how Finland’s performance impacts the Maple Leafs’ Cup chances in May. That’s what really matter, right?
— Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to forget again, and make a rushed, rash purchase for your significant other today or tomorrow. I’ve already done so at least twice, and will likely do it again.
Please feel free to post yinz own mental droppings and thoughts on this THURSDAY below.
There is a vacuum repair shop 10 minutes from me, that I’ve used a few times (decent results). Google Yinz area for one, say you saw ’em on Breaking Bad.
Aussies really are lovely
And slutty! They are the sluttiest people on the planet and should be venerated for their achievements!
Ask if they’re willing to buy a few western states.
Mrs. Horatio just told me that she didn’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day and not to worry about tomorrow.
“…but you said” will not hold any weight in tomorrow night’s argument
I mean what do you buy the woman who has everything, including a voracioUs sex dwarf??
A backup sex dwarf?
Wifey showed interest in a purse… twice. Momma 2Pack didn’t raise a dumbass. Wifey now has a new purse – 2Pack, several weeks of banked good will.
The wind is making spooky noises here in Los Angeles.
Does spooky sound like, “a wall of flames”?
No, it’s raining. So it would sound more like mud sliding down what used to be the side of a hill.
I’m in Mexico.
So I’m basically Don T, if I understand correctly. And FoxNews says I do.
Take one of their jobs while you’re there, see how they like it
“I’d like one basket of peaches please, and be quick about.”
If they call you this, take it as a compliment
got somewhere between 6 and 10″ of snow last night.
Starting to get sick of the shoveling. And really hate the windrow left by the plow.
Deanna Favre:
i have one, but it’s just a single stage one, so if the snow is too deep, phrasing, or heavy, it doesn’t do well.
I have next to zero national pride right now, but this was an easy decision for USA hockey to make, and Im looking forward to hearing it in Boston on Monday
I went to a UConn hockey game. We were looking for our seats when the anthem started and we just kept walking around until we found our seats.
Pretty much done with patriotism for the foreseeable future.
Hey! This is important!
February 13th is National Internet Friends Day!
It’s also National Cheddar Day and National Tortellini Day so celebrate accordingly.
It’s also the 10th anniversary of a two hour long not-Valentine’s concert I put on!
Was it ostentatious and self-aggrandizement? Yes.
Do I want to do it again? Also yes. (Okay, maybe not the whole thing.)
Eli approves of this stance against icky medicines.
“Fenway Sports Group doesn’t understand (or care) what “progress” and “talent development” are.”
Laughs in Red Sox.
The Penguins are so fucked.
Fatberg, I didn’t realize Coach Reid was in Australia .
I’m always amazed by how big of a deal Bryan Adams is outside of the U.S.
He’s like the David Hasselhoff of Canada.
I thought it was Germany. Oh…
I enjoy your liberal use of tags.
Looks like Steve Bannon shirtless.