The long and the short of it is that México, the land of my birth, isn't doing Jack Shit in Qatar except picking up tips on how to exploit poor people for cheapo labour. So, instead I will take this opportunity to tell you about the country in a format very
Insane Shit
Meanwhile, in Foxboro…
EXT. PATRIOTS TRAINING FACILITY - DAY A pair of New England Patriots coaches are standing in front of a grill loaded up with all kinds of meat. There are burgers, turkey burgers, salmon burgers, bratwurst, knockwurst, cheddarwurst, hot dogs, hot links, pretty much every kind of meat that can be cooked
The Worlds of the Imperium of Man
2022 New Orleans Saints Team Preview
Comfortably Numb: Your 2022 New England Patriots Season Preview
[INT. A psychiatrist's office. It's dark, quiet, and soothing, in a sterile sort of way.] [Slow pan to DOCTOR SIGMUND FREUD, who perches in his armchair, quietly contemplating the next question he'll ask his patient.] FREUD: Pleeze, Herr Thomas. Kontinue. I beleef you ver zaying somezing about ... inner pain, ja? [TAWMMY reclines
Creeps: How I Became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part 7)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about
Testilying: How I became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part Six)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about
Warhammer 40k – The Tyranids the Andy Reids of 40k
Warhammer 40k – The Institutions that Make up the Empire of Man
Crimes of Poverty: How I became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part Four)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about