Let's just get this out of the way now: Hello DFO and Welcome to your 2016 New York Jets Team Preview! (this concludes the portion of this preview that contains actual excitement) So. The New York Jets. Or Jest, or New York Yets, or the North Jersey "Show Us Your Tits!" Unlicensed New
Your “I Want Football And Boobs-Not Necessarily In That Order” Friday Night Open Thread
CrimeBeat!: Take 2 Edition
Your “THIS IS NOT A DRILL!-The Redux” Thursday Night Football Open Thread
CrimeBeat!: Take the Cannoli Edition
Well boys and girls, we made it. Training camps are all now officially "going on". Peter King is probably on some back road in Iowa between Mankato and Missouri Western State University, glorying in the soybean fields and meth shacks that he considers "Real America" and (God willing) getting crippling
CrimeBeat!: Isn’t This Where We Came In? Edition
[DFO] Theogyny: The Feast of the Suspension
[1] Lo, and once every summer, Venus and Jupiter and Rigel III shall come into alignment, [2] an obscure and ancient bell shall toll within in NFL Headquarters, and the Watcher of The Seals [3] shall be shuffleth out of his office with an antiquated boombox bigger than he. [D]
CrimeBeat!: Drafticipation Edition
OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ! The Honorable, the Right Reverend Electric Mayhem. All persons having business before this poorly-written, barely coherent pseudo-tabloid-news-show internet column are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Chief Asshat is now sitting. God save the Commentariat and this Sport we love and revile. We have
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Midweek Special!
I know you're disappointed that, for travel-related reasons, your weekly dose of AFL Beat will be delayed. In an effort to tide you over, I offer this little analysis I did in which I asked the question: What if the NFL used the AFL system to determine playoff seedings? I compiled the
NFL Speakeasy Stories: 400 gon
When there is nowhere else to go.... Angel’s Share, East Village. 2:47 am, January 4th, 2016 The reverberation of the celebratory fireworks subsided 45 minutes ago. The final revelers exited 30 minutes ago. And the house lights would shut themselves down in 3...2... "One...And click." His voice echoed. Tonight would be the same as every since