Last off season Monday Night Open Thread

Featured image from: South Okanagan Events Centre (please don't rat me out BC Dick) For your listening pleasure: Tonight is the first and only entry in my new RATE MY BONG series.  Probably because the PoPo will break down my door and take me away.  So, like many people my age, my

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hey, Not So Loud!!

(I can't think of a decent featured image for this one; someone hit with me some little people!) Greetings, folks.  I write this after having gone out to dinner with some friends who know the owners of the restaurant, (and who I suspect bankrolled at least some of it), and let

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!

Greetings people who are looking to avoid work on a Monday.  Today I'm avoiding it entirely, because I took the day off.  Why?  Because I realized that I have something like 360 hours of stored up vacation time and I can't cash it out, nor can I even donate it

Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 30

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your host John Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say

Friday Morning Brain Farts/Carpenter Jorb

In lieu of actual prose, here's some randomness to waste time while waiting for DJ 3000 to reload munitions from last night's operations the playlist. I semi-successfully managed to get through my first week as a 9-1-1 operator without causing any serious harm. So, that's a plus. Somehow I've managed to

Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 29

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your host John Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say

Monday Morning Mock Draft: This Is The End

OK, so I'm not gonna lie:  I went out and had a few pints this afternoon and kind of forgot about this until 10:19 pm.  I then tried to get into Slack because I've got a couple of suggestions in there I was saving for just such an occasion, but