If you're reading this, you already know: All the first week NFL pre-season games are over. In fact, there was only one NFL/football-like substance on today, Panthers at Gravyboats. Others have covered "what Friday meant" and "are the XXXX for real?" and "do the Texans exist?" With the exception of
Author: BrettFavresColonoscopy
Your “Dear Lord, How is it Already August” Sunday Evening Open Thread
On the Kindness of Strangers (aka ArmedandHammered Is Really Generous With Beer)
Drunken Ramblings of a Jew on Christmas / Christmas Eve into Christmas Morning Open Thread
When I started writing this, it was in the wee hours of Christmas Eve Eve, when the nerdy kids are checking NORAD's Santa Tracker, the kids that bully those kids are starting to sweat a little, and I'm enough cocktails in that I've just started throwing some new combinations together
Your “Who’s That Mysterious Figure?” Sunday Night Football Open Thread
It was a cold night. Not historically cold or even stereotypically cold given how goddamn freezing it can get around these parts but just objectively and objectionably cold. I hate it when people dismiss temperatures in the 20s (that's Fahrenheit, obviously) as "not that bad"--Fuck you, when condensation chills to
There’s Got To Be A Pony In There Somewhere
A Dark and Foggy Night
What Day Is It Today? Thursday? Evening Open Thread
Mouth Flies Open: DFO Mailbag #17
The team at DFO is committed to brightening the world with insights, observations, and dick jokes. This mailbag feature is just one more way in which we extend our mission beyond football to the rest of life’s broad and multi-chromatic palette. We're getting closer and closer to the inevitable Chiefs-Patriots AFC Championship matchup--AND spending