Renton, WA. Monday, October 16, 10:00AM. Inside Seahawks team HQ on Lake Washington, a Seahawks coaches meeting is taking place. Pete Carroll: Okay boys. Now, before we get started, I'm going to give everyone a minute to get it out of their system before I put this-here jar on the table and officially
Take A Knee Zeke! It’s The Dallas Cowboys At The Bye!
Your 2017 #DoLoThroDo Recap
On Kneeling, Standing, and other controversial positions
LA Football Report – Week 2
Week One is in books! Your [DFO] Law and Fantasy Football Mailbag
HAPPY FUN BRAIN SCREAMING TIME: A Buffalo Bills Season Preview!
I Want Carruth! You Can’t Handle Carruth! Your [DFO] Law and Fantasy Football Mailbag
Two Mea Cuplas FOAR EPL Week Three (Also Trickle of JV NFL)
2017 Indianapolis Colts Preview
For your 2017 Indianapolis Colts preview, I had an imaginary conversion with myself. Enjoy. So the Colts, huh. Didn't they used to be good? The Indianapolis Colts, né Baltimore Colts, have quite a storied history. The team began as the Miami Seahawks of the All America Football Conference in 1946 and were
A Place to Call Home
Operator: Greater Charlottesville Telephone Operator Extension, how may I direct your call?….I see...And these arrangements, you said, is for a football team?....Well sir, I think I can get you to the correct person who can help you. One moment please….(Phone Clicks)…Alright, you are connected to the video conference line to our Visitors and
YA BETTA SUE SOMEBODAYYYY: Your [DFO] Law and Fantasy Football Mailbag
Nazis! Suspensions! Nuclear War! Trades! What a week for questions about law and fantasy football! Unsurprisingly, most of your law questions were about our Ululating Sack Of Wet FartsDear Leader and the legal ramifications of his relentless drive to make this world an even more terrible place than it already