Chargers at the Bye: A [DFO] Roundtable

OSZ: Hello from the DFO Chargers Posting Brigade—me, Low Commander of the Super Soldiers, sunrisesunrise, and blackroseMD1. Having just watched Floatception Rivers re-emerge during the Dolphins game and our secondary get burned by Ryan Tannehill... well, my optimism for the rest of the season is, shall we say, waning. My

Your “Just How Close is the Coming Bandwagon-pocalypse?” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL Notes: Brock Ostweiler, quarterback for something called the "Texans", has a complaint about the number of laser pointers that were shone his direction last night in Mexico City, during his defeat at the hands of the future Las Vegas Nevadans. He should feel lucky, since most tourists in Mexico

Hastily Assembled Much-Needed Mid-Season Hiatus, or, New York Jets at the Bye

(This is a collaborative effort between entropy and Senor Weaselo. We blame any and all errors on theweebabySeamus) The interior of a network executive's office, location undetermined, as all the window shades are drawn. The NETWORK EXECUTIVE is staring expectantly at the man in the first guest chair, who is hunched

Better Know a Deity: Shan’Khor

It's time for another installment of Better Know a Deity. Sure, we all know the big names in the football pantheon like BLEERGH, BOLTMAN! and Al Davis' Revified Corpse.  But sometimes a lesser-known god or goddess comes to the fore. (H/t to Thursday Sky Goddess). Name: Shan'Khor Nicknames: “the Merciless"; "Shankopotamus" (not

2016 Quotables (Week 11 – Submissions)

INT. TUESDAY MATINEE MOVIE THEATER  A handful of viewers are individually peppered about the seats in the dark theater as previews for a Star Wars film, a romantic comedy starring Amy Adams, and a remake of Ghostbusters with Legos end. One viewer has been mumbling to himself throughout the previews and snickering at his own comments. He

The DFO Patrón Saint

Back at the site where we all met,  there was a patron saint and a matron saint and it was pretty obvious as to who they were and why they were. Here,  we have many unofficial matron saints And no official patron saint although two viable obvious options exist. Unfortunately,  I'm worried they

Denver at the 2016 Bye (No Ofence)

Like, literally. And Mile High Sanchize ain't comin' through that door, he's fat, dumb, and happy as the Future NFC Champion Dallas Cowboys' backup clipboard holder. The OL is, indeed, a fatal flaw. RT play has been the absolute bottom of the barrel, and LG not much better.

“Forget The Fireworks Factory, Blow The Whole Damn Thing Up” – A Walking Dead Recap

Man, I don't even know anymore... He's dead; get over it. Thanks to Seamus for covering last week while I was off doing research for the site. [That reminds me - I have to file an expense report with DFO's accountant; I hope she accepts empty cups as receipts.] This week's The Walking

Down by the Lakeside

INT. FIRST ENERGY STADIUM PRESS ROOM A group of reporters fill the chairs before an empty speakers table. Members of the Browns press corps are somberly discussing the game and comparing notes for their morning columns  They hush themselves and begin turning on their recording devices and scribbling on their notepads as Browns Coach