Hey 2017, So, let's see how 2018 is unfold-- Dammit! It hasn't even been a whole day yet! NFL Notes: Friday announcements: Seahawks CB Justin Coleman wasn't fined for his leap into the Sally Ann kettle during the Hawks-Cowboys game last week. Davante Adams signed a 4-year, $58 million extension with the Packers.
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
San Diego’s Greetings: A Very BOLTMAN X-Mas
Your “All Eras Must End” Monday Evening Open Thread
Tomi Lahren’s Final Thoughts: Heroes of Unlikely Skin Colors
Your “Where’s My Inhaler?” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
NFL News: Suspension updates: George Iloka's has been reduced to a fine. The appeal was based on Brown landing crooked & turning his head prior to the hit, making helmet-to-helmet contact almost unavoidable. The Chiefs have suspended Marcus Peters for Sunday's game. because he left the field of play while
Your “Beaten Like A Government Mule!” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
LA Football Report – Post Thanksgiving Farts edition
Your “The Official Flavour Of The 2017 NY Giants” Monday Night Football Open Thread
Look Left, Look Right. You’re All Cut. The Colts Bye-Week. Why Did I Click This?
By now, you've read a great many of these bye week updates. All with an unique style and approach. Bravo and much praise to my colleagues for creating such mirth and merriment. I had intended to have some kind of off-kilter oddball opus of my own to contribute to the
Your “Mo’ MAC, Mo’ Problems” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
I didn't get my book read last night. Shocking, I know. I probably won't get to it today/tonight either. Mostly because I suck and am easily distracted... Also, you guys are too damned funny to resist sometimes. Peer Pressure!!!!! - We've Got Some NFL Stuff To Talk About First and foremost, fuck you Spanos, Goodell