Request Line: Theory of the Mind

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth.  CONNOR, THE INTERN is looking inside with concern.  THE PRODUCER is pacing with a cellphone held up to his ear.  Inside sits NFL Quarterback TOM BRADY, smiling placidly and rubbing a red spot on his

Back in the Barrel With Ya

Our esteemed alot of beer is out doing life things that may or may not be more important than reviewing beer for imaginary internet friends, so you're stuck with substitute teachers for the next few Beer Barrels. First sub up: ME! Last time I filled in for this column I wasn't

Your “Hey – There’s A Game 7 On Tonight!” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL Notes: Looking like his mom also told him that he's the most handsome boy on the team, Brock Ostweiler brushed off questions that he's not ready to be the Browns' starting QB: Are you good enough to be a starting quarterback? "Absolutely. Absolutely." Not understanding what it means to be

Historical Badasses: Jean-Pierre Hallet

Have you ever fought Nazis? No, probably not. What about crocodiles, lions or leopards? Probably not those either. Have you ever blown yourself up with TNT and lived to tell the tale? What about delivering over 500 babies? What about learning 19 different languages? Yup, Jean-Pierre Hallet did all of

Your 2017 Indigenous Round Guernseys!

Welcome to a special mid-week edition of the AFL Beat.  The Indigenous Round is always one of my favorite Rounds as each team comes up with designs that reflect the culture of the Indigenous people of Australia in an effort to recognize the contributions that Indigenous people have made to

Your “Scoring Is Down But Celebrations Are Up!” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL News: Cortez Kennedy died today, age 48. No cause of death was announced. I just remember him eating people up during the 90s, when blackout rules meant Seahawks or nothing on Sundays. He is one of 9 Seahawks in the Hall of Fame, although that number also counts famous

Summer: The Season of Murder, Decay, and Warm Beer

My calendar tells me that summer is coming and other events I’m looking forward to, including “Testicle Scraping”, “Trepanning with a Sharp Stone”, and “Prostrate Exam at Local Prison.” Summer is a shit time of year. In Baltimore, summer means three H’s: hazy, hot, and humid. It also brings the three M’s:

Twin Picks – Ep 2: Traces to Nowhere

Agent Dale Cooper (to handheld recorder): Diane, we have arrived at the Bengals facility, Paul Brown Stadium, which to me sounds like the name of the place where the cross-state Cleveland Browns would play, where the general employees are beginning to fill the parking lot. Per the league calendar, most of the veterans