“When ‘All Y’all’ Are Better” – The 2019 Atlanta Falcons At Their Bye

Hi everyone, (checks nfl.com to see if Dan Quinn has been fired yet.) It’s your old pal Beerguyrob, with a mid-season looksee into the progress the Atlanta Falcons are making this year. Woof! Well, there’s been some bumps along the way, and after failing to complete their comeback against the Seahawks the Falcons entered

Horatio Had A Long Week And Missed The Deadline So Here’s A Clip Show For Dallas

(Caption for picture above:  "The Jets!?  The fucking Jets!?") When I wrote the season preview, which I have shamelessly cut-and-pasted into this post, Zeke Elliott was holding out in Mexico.  I predicted, correctly that he'd be signed, rich, and playing by Week 1 and by God he was.  I also predicted

Ravens Bye Week

So we enter into the 8th week of the NFL season and the Ravens are...I'm not too sure of what we are. Lamar Jackson's an MVP! No, he's a running back! No, he needs to learn how to pass! Good Christ I'm fucking tired of how every second of every day

Cleveland’s Not Yet N Sync: Ain’t No Lie, Browns At Bye

Remember when everyone thought the Browns would be good this year? That was adorable. They are 2-4 at their bye, and Baker Mayfield kinda sucks, and David Njoku broke something, and Nick Chubb still has a name that makes me giggle. Their coach is this random DUI mugshot: Still kinda laughing about Chubb. Anyway, the

Your Yinzer Injury Report 2019

Oh, I’m told this the Bye Week update? Screw that, title still stands. THE BENS TEEM HAS LOTS OF OWIES IN ALL OVER BODYSPOT This team had serious question marks to start this season, and like 908% of the offense has gotten hurt since the opening kick-off to start the season. 2-4

Jameis and the Giant Zilch: The 2019 Buccaneers at the Buccabye

So every team gets a bi bye, and the players rejoice (like they didn't joice enough the first time). This week, the Tampa Bay Buck-an-Ears get to play grabass off the field and not get CTE, which means I gotta fucking write about how they're doing I get to regale

Your “I’m Not Wrong….Yet” Carolina Panthers Bye Week

I'm perfectly willing to admit it when I'm wrong.  I'm wrong a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuFVY75DGQ4 But so far, I don't have to. Back in the pre-season I predicted that the Panthers would go 5-11 and end up in last place in the NFC South.  Well, they haven't hit 5 wins.  Yet. I also predicted that