Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 3

Lady Balls and Balls woke up the next morning slightly tired. They had stayed up late trying to figure out one good deed that tWBS could do that would not hurt anyone and were coming up blank.  Their brains were so taxed with the effort that they didn’t even bother

Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 2

“So, you can just pick any woman and inhabit her body?” “Only for a few minutes at a time.” Balls thought about it for a second and then started to panic. “Wait!  You haven’t!” “Dude, I’m not that sick!” “Yeah you are!” “Well, I’ll have you know.  I’m not.  Besides, Lady Balls is not and has

Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 1

The 11th hole at Los Verdes is a 305-yard Par 4 from the Blues that goes downhill and plays much shorter than it looks.  If you really get a hold of it, you can reach Catalina Island. Balls stepped up to the tee confident and happy about how the round had

How Did We Do? Saturday Morning Footy Open Thread


Teh Hippo is off on a well-deserved break as the EPL wrapped things up last week with Man City getting their fourth Premiership in a row. Anyone that doesn't think Pep Guardiola is the greatest coach of this generation is an idiot. Anyhow, before we get into how we did with

Friday Morning Brain Farts/Carpenter Jorb

In lieu of actual prose, here's some randomness to waste time while waiting for DJ 3000 to reload munitions from last night's operations the playlist. I semi-successfully managed to get through my first week as a 9-1-1 operator without causing any serious harm. So, that's a plus. Somehow I've managed to

How Are We Doing? Saturday Morning Footy Open Thread


Teh Hippo asked me to fill in this weekend as he is driving to the Great White North. Considering he's from North Carolina, that could just as well be Virginia. Anyhow, I've got some things on my mind after this week's Champions League Quarterfinals Second Legs: Real - Man City should

A Thursday Afternoon Carpenter Existential Experience!

Greetings, hola, guten tag, ni how, and yadda yadda. I swear the month of February exists only to mess with people's sense of time, space, and perception. 2024 is already six weeks old, we never really had winter in Yinzburgh, and I can't tell if the days are getting longer (sort

Your 2023 AVN Awards Preview Post

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Yes, get ready for the traffic to start rolling in. It's that time of year again! For the first time since COVID, the AVN Awards will be held live in Las Vegas on the first weekend in January. Talk about bringing in the new year with a bang! I'm sorry.