In Search of a Goddess – Prologue

[2:33 am, Interior, Bedroom] The telephone rings, interrupting tWBS's masturb.....errrrrr, waking him up. tWBS:  Hello? Man on Phone:  It's time. tWBS:  Time for what?  Dude I was just in the middle of masturb.....errrrrr, sleeping. Man on Phone:  Just pack a bag and get out here.  It's time. tWBS:  Time for wh.... CLICK tWBS:  Dammit - Three Days later, tWBS sits

25 Questions About the NFL from a barely interested former “fan”

I've changed the title a bit, but we're back with 25 questions.  I want to keep it at 25 although I am totally tempted to include the following song in every post: Today, we tackle the NFL Offseason and what people do to spend the time. *** So, today I got a Groupon

New Chargers Helmet Design Proposals

It's been a strange couple of weeks in San Diego. There has been talk of clearing the land on the site where Qualcomm Stadium used to stand, following BOLTMAN'S exodus, in order to make way for a bid at attracting a new sport to San Diego: MLS Soccer. The plan

A Completely Neutral, Thorough Preview of the AFC Championship Game

WCS: Well, strangely enough, the Steelers are in the AFC Championship Game. Again. Oh, and it's against the Patriots. Again. This after being 4-5 at one point in November. They've since run off nine-straight wins, won the AFC North, and got through their first two playoff games. Mike Tomlin and

NFL Conference Championship Preview

НФЛ Конференция Чемпионат Превью Here at DFO, we are proud to be a multi-national worldly bunch.  We live in countries other than the United States, we were born in countries other than the US, and we have extensively traveled to countries other than the US.  What we have found is that

You WILL Bow: A Tribute to Mama Shogun

I’ve told you the tale of Father Shogun, which in itself is unique. But it pales quite honestly to the tale of Mama Shogun. No, honestly. As I even begin to try I know I’m leaving out many things that in themselves are standalone chapters. I’m just going to give

The Best 69 to All of You

1/9/2017 I don't say much about me or mine. It's not interesting to me, until I talk about it, at which point everyone says "YOU SHOULD SAY SOMETHING!" ok...fine. Here goes. My dad was born 1/9, back in 1948. That makes him 69. So what. Except from the number and all that

How your teenager can learn to drive better by watching NASCAR

Author's Note: Today is the beginning of the offseason for 62.5% of the NFL teams.  Thus, our offseason DFO #content begins!  Stay tuned for a 2017 AFL Season Preview and many more surprises.  Trust me, 2017 is going to be a great year!  I can feel it.  I was born in

Li’l Johnny Saves Christmas, Part One: An entropy-style Christmas Special

Li’l Johnny Saves Christmas, Part One --or, This Is Not the True Meaning of Christmas, Or Even “Saves,” For That Matter-- I. Best Laid Plans   Christmas had come round again, And Johnny was going away He already made excuses to friends For missing Christmas Day.   He’d packed away his sunscreen, He’d bought extra flip-flops Johnny even paid a little extra For the

88 Questions about the Viagra commercial protagonists

For the young'uns so they get the shitty pop culture reference: Let's get started 1 Why is the blue-eyed blondie with the matching dress shown fully but Limpy McDick can't have his face shown? 2 What kind of stupid double-standard is that? 3 Are we meant to imply that it's all her fault? 4 That's

Facts vs TV: The Green Bay Experience

DFO Note:  Our own Jerry Was A Shogun Named Marcus was kind enough to brave the elements and his team not doing as well as he hoped to bring us a slice of the Green Bay Lambeau Field experience!  If I haven't figured out how to give him credit for

CrimeBeat!: The White Album Edition

Hello and welcome back to CrimeBeat!, the internet’s only source for NFL crime-related news not beholden to donors, party politics or special interests. Brought to you by Combos™. Combos: They Might Not Give You Taint Cancer! Oh men. MEN! No CB! for the last three weeks, as I was in trial