Li’l Johnny Saves Christmas, Part One: An entropy-style Christmas Special

Li’l Johnny Saves Christmas, Part One --or, This Is Not the True Meaning of Christmas, Or Even “Saves,” For That Matter-- I. Best Laid Plans   Christmas had come round again, And Johnny was going away He already made excuses to friends For missing Christmas Day.   He’d packed away his sunscreen, He’d bought extra flip-flops Johnny even paid a little extra For the

CrimeBeat! Triumphant Return Edition

Oh men. MEN! I apologize, from the deepest cockles of my heart, for the no-doubt-emotionally-devastating wasteland that your lives have been during the prolonged hiatus of CrimeBeat! But fear not, sinners, for the Right Reverend is here to give you succor. (Note: sorry for the format- doing this from my phone

Hastily Assembled Much-Needed Mid-Season Hiatus, or, New York Jets at the Bye

(This is a collaborative effort between entropy and Senor Weaselo. We blame any and all errors on theweebabySeamus) The interior of a network executive's office, location undetermined, as all the window shades are drawn. The NETWORK EXECUTIVE is staring expectantly at the man in the first guest chair, who is hunched

Better Know a Deity: Shan’Khor

It's time for another installment of Better Know a Deity. Sure, we all know the big names in the football pantheon like BLEERGH, BOLTMAN! and Al Davis' Revified Corpse.  But sometimes a lesser-known god or goddess comes to the fore. (H/t to Thursday Sky Goddess). Name: Shan'Khor Nicknames: “the Merciless"; "Shankopotamus" (not

The DFO Patrón Saint

Back at the site where we all met,  there was a patron saint and a matron saint and it was pretty obvious as to who they were and why they were. Here,  we have many unofficial matron saints And no official patron saint although two viable obvious options exist. Unfortunately,  I'm worried they

A New Yorker’s Postmortem on This Election

Well, this election has come and gone and taken years off our life with its vitriol. Colbert was right, too much venom and it feels like we all ODed. By the last few weeks I just wanted it to be over and after I went and voted I sat in

This Little Piggy Went 8-8: Your Bills Bye Week Update

The Bills are 4-5 at the bye week. That's your update. Normally, I would give a pseudo-humorous recap of the ups and down of the season so far, filled with hilarious swear words and celebrating the pleasure-pain that is the Buffalo Fan Experience. There would be some mention of the many injuries sustained (notably the

DFO Mock Draft: Presidential Write-Ins

You might have heard on the news that there's an election happening soon for some government job on Tuesday. The two main candidates have favorability ratings somewhere in the realm of bedbugs and cockroaches. There have been things called "debates" which looked like something out of Wilmer Valderrama's Yo Momma

Cam Gets His Call

Operator: Charlottesville Telephone Operator Extension 035115, how may I direct your call?….I see, yes sir, I believe he is expecting you….(Phone Clicks)…Alright, you are connected to the video conference line in Bank of America Stadium's locker room. Cam Newton: Right on time. So I guess the NFL is capable of making a correct call. Commissioner Roger