The Oscars are almost upon us, with all their unpredictability. You don't need an oracle to tell you what will happen. You don't even need a film critic. You need someone who sees into the very souls of the Academy voters. You need a Straight White Man. Hey, guys. I'm make
Westminster Dog Show Open Thread – Day 1
Yes, it's not Presidents' Day. A great holiday when a lazy ass Balls can wake up at the crack of 10 AM, throw some shorts on (never pants!), and get to the mall to catch the 10 AM showing of Deadpool expertly calculating the amount of time the stupid previews
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 21)
The scene: The DFO clubhouse. It looks deserted, except for Darkest Timeline Zach Morris, still happily comatose and clad in a vintage John Travolta white disco suit, standing near the bar. Doktor Zymm (peaking out of her lab): Hello...? Vere ist everyone? Hmm... Doktor Zymm ducks back into her lab,
NFL Disintegration
There is a reason this is being posted in the middle of the night. Now, to get the full experience, follow along: Light a black candle Light a clove incense stick Turn the lights off Hit Play on the YouTube link below and scroll in time with the lyrics Oh I miss the kiss of
Superb Owl Food Suggestions.
Zooper Bol “L” Pre-dick-toons: Charlie Kelly
The winds of s**t are blowin’ in Santa Clara, Randyman.
Superbowl #Content from Ben Blank, Uproxx Chief Creative Officer
I'm not here to talk about that thing that's happening over the weekend. I'm here to talk about #content and #branding! That's what we're really interested in. People love #content, and they love #brands! Are you #upforwhatever? Here at Uproxx, we sure are! Whatever the cost, whatever it takes! Readers don't
El Contador escoje el ganador del Super Bowl
Hello! I'm Cyrill Figgis, otherwise known as El Contador. So, Ms. Archer told me (more like directed) me to write up a Super Bowl preview. I didn't really want to because I don't really follow sports, but she sorta forced me to... /shudders Anyhoo, even though the Vegas Police Department thinks I've been
The Super Bowl & Canadian TV regulations: so much misplaced nationalism.
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 19)
The scene: The DFO clubhouse, where Yeah Right, Pirate Sloth and Redshirt are reclining on the couch watching pro wrestling. Yeah Right: So...I mean, there's no football on? Redshirt: Nope. Yeah Right: No high school games? Maybe a classic college replay? Redshirt: Nope. Pirate Sloth (reading the TV listings in the newspaper):