Monday Evening Open Thread – NFL Musical Chairs

Evening all, I was going to do another piece on Trench Crusade, specifically the The Synod of Strategic Prophecy, the intelligence gathering portion of the Holy Alliance which derives all of its intelligence and technological progress by listening to the word of God.  But there was a lot going on,

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Nocturnes Magazine, Vol. 1 Issue 1: The (Slightly Belated, Shhh) Inaugural Season Preview

Okay, what in the crap is this? This is Nocturnes Magazine, a look into the Brooklyn Nocturnes. Okay… that doesn't help me. Who are the Brooklyn Nocturnes and what do they do? Remember the diceball I mentioned? Well, I'm going to use a monthly Wumbo column to write in more detail because it got

Memorial Day Evening Open Thread – Warhammer Style

Normal disclaimer:  if it has to do with Warhammer in any way, Games Workshop owns it.  So do not give your kid a name from any of the lore or books.  Unless you are really annoyed at the kid. Today is Memorial Day when we give thanks and honor our fine

Monday Open Thread – Warhammer 40k Book Review – Night Lords Omnibus

*Remember Games Workshop owns everything Warhammer including the Black Library which is named after an in-game location and is their publishing arm. Many of the stories of the battles, wars, campaigns and daily life of the galaxy are told from the side of the Imperium (the good guys - if the

Friday Morning Brain Farts/Carpenter Jorb

In lieu of actual prose, here's some randomness to waste time while waiting for DJ 3000 to reload munitions from last night's operations the playlist. I semi-successfully managed to get through my first week as a 9-1-1 operator without causing any serious harm. So, that's a plus. Somehow I've managed to

Monday Open Thread – Warhammer 40k Orky Titans

Per Usual: Images and links are from Lexicanum or the Warhammer 40k wiki   So last week we went over the Psi-Titans, nasty bunch which rarely let witnesses live, the week I thought we could take a look at another race's weapon of mass destruction.  And I decided to do the Orks, of course the

DFO does 1957

From the game thread on Sunday between the 49'ers and the Lions, many, many jokes and/or comments were made about how long it's been since the Lions had won a road playoff game, mainly lead by our esteemed Dok. So instead of putting them into a massive comments post, I've

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Definitive Christmas Carol Rankings

Good evening. My name is Senor Weaselo, and as some of you know, I play a lot of Jewish events. Weddings, shows, other, you name it. Despite this, as the Lubovitch have found out in disbelief numerous times when they ask if I want to partake in various religious customs and

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so