Okay, what in the crap is this? This is Nocturnes Magazine, a look into the Brooklyn Nocturnes. Okay… that doesn't help me. Who are the Brooklyn Nocturnes and what do they do? Remember the diceball I mentioned? Well, I'm going to use a monthly Wumbo column to write in more detail because it got
Extra Nerdy
Monday Night Open Thread – No Warhammer but still nerdy
Memorial Day Evening Open Thread – Warhammer Style
Monday Open Thread – Warhammer 40k Book Review – Night Lords Omnibus
Friday Morning Brain Farts/Carpenter Jorb
In lieu of actual prose, here's some randomness to waste time while waiting for DJ 3000 to reload munitions from last night's operations the playlist. I semi-successfully managed to get through my first week as a 9-1-1 operator without causing any serious harm. So, that's a plus. Somehow I've managed to