The march continues. The ‘fingers are still mired in second-last place. After what very well may be 6 games in the second half (or so) of the year we’ve managed 16 points. The leaders have 34 and the next 6 teams are all cheek-to-jowl with 28 to 32 points each.
Game Preview
A Valentine for the Shempiens – Round of 16, Gameday 1
After an intense Hate Week and the sudden end of the NFL season, here’s Valentine’s Day: the most superficial and fabricated holiday there is. First, it’s a workday. Second, it’s all about merchandising and half-assing affection. Hearing “What are WE going to do for Valentine’s Day” sounds more like a
Post Self-Justification Lesser Footy Thread
Celebrating Afrikan-American Monday with the Bloodeyes Gang!
Quoth the Ravens SNF Thread
NYE 2022 Sportsball Late Thread
Welcome to the dregs of 2022. Per tradition, Hippo will purposefully fall asleep before any countdown activity, unless the footy stays interesting, Lord knows it will need to outclass Meeechigan pantsing the Bloodeyes earlier. UPDATE - Hippo predicts future not so goodly. To the game! Georgia (-5) v. tOhio State -
Mittwoch Holiday Week What The Crap Else Are You Doing This Week Thread
Welcome reprobates, degenerates, and occasional nice people. It's that weird middle-of-the-week day in between Christmas and New Year's, and this year it happens to ba Wednesday for Peak Weirdness. Kids don't have school, and most people I know who have actual job-type-job take this week off, too. Where does that
Instant Hippo Boxing Day Thoughts – Week 16, 2022 Season/EPL Resumes
Holy cats, this sportsball 3-day weekend is fucking beautiful, ain't it? I watched all of yesterday's NFL trifecta, despite...not really liking any outcomes. Because my fantasy team may be leaving oil like a motherfucker...but 2nd place pays out pretty good. Maybe I would use the funds to make it to DFOcon
Monday Night Week 15 Abortion Thread
Hey, in Mississippi, that thar SOO-PREME COWRT done said 15 weeks is late term. Suck it, libtards! RRRRRRRRRRRRAM IT!! (+7.5) at Packers (8:15, ESPN/ABC) Isn't it fucking hilarious how THIS fixture, of all fixtures, gets network teevee coverage? One assumes Disney felt safe that this one would be relevant. Oopsie-doodle! Baker Mayfield, 60,000