Since we here at Door Flies Open tend to be a social, genial and interactive bunch of individuals we have this tendency to have and attend random get-togethers. Events where we collectively gather, have many, many adult beverages, and share tales of our travels and past experiences. Many of you have
Commentist Participation
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: “This is a Woodlawn-bound 4 Train.” Ah, yes, summer in the big city. The subway stations are oppressively hot (dear god, Herald Square in summer), the Mister Softee trucks have been pushed out by bootlegs (like New York Soft Serve), and the Canada wildfire smoke has (mostly) subsided! We hope. It's that time, because they don't yearly
Mittwoch Holiday Week What The Crap Else Are You Doing This Week Thread
Welcome reprobates, degenerates, and occasional nice people. It's that weird middle-of-the-week day in between Christmas and New Year's, and this year it happens to ba Wednesday for Peak Weirdness. Kids don't have school, and most people I know who have actual job-type-job take this week off, too. Where does that
You Make The Call – Should Hippo Retire From (Non-DFO Yahoo) Fantasy FITBAW?
I will still play in Freezer Vodka League, if nothing but to keep my decaying mind functional. But I swore last season would be my last in my high-intensity, moneyed fantasy auction league. True, there is NOTHING like the rush of the auction itself. Pre-Pandemic/Zombie apocalypse, I drove from Wake County,
It’s Wednesday and we’re halfway through the grind.
Help BFC Stock the Bar
Greetings, imaginary and non-imaginary friends alike! Lady BFC and I have ceased our nomadic lifestyle and have finally landed in a new home. That's all very exciting, yes yes, but let's focus on the important thing--I can FINALLY stock my bar. My neglected, nearly drained, and yet still-beloved-despite-largely-being-abstract-for-nigh-a-year bar. For the
Subsequent GTD reflections
2021 Quotables – Week 8 (Results)
2021 Quotables – Week 8 (Submissions)
2021 Quotables – Week 7 (Results)
2021 Quotables – Week 7 (Submissions)
An incredibly handsome writer sits in front of a computer, staring at the unfinished draft of a Quotables post. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: "Text needed"? What the hell does that mean? RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY starts sweating. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Okay, Rikki, you can do this. Just write some shit down. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY stares at the keyboard. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: [inner monologue] It doesn't have to
2021 Quotables – Week 6 (Results)
I hate facists. Absolutely hate them. Ugh. I'm not gonna waste your time on this stuff but, seriously, fuck those animals. Put them all down. Mass grave. Done. No -- this isn't A Very Special JJFozz Presents. Still blaxabbath. Anyways, looks like the Browns are for real? You know, this was all foretold back