As you may remember from Volume 5, I wanted to try the TopTracer setup at the Alhambra Golf Course. On a lazy Saturday, I decided to head back and try my luck. This time, the range was open and I was happy to see there were several bays available. When I
Deluded Optimism
Balls Magazine Volume 5
Balls Magazine Volume 4
Balls Magazine Volume 3
My 900th Post
Balls Magazine Volume 2
Balls Magazine Volume 1
Mittwoch Holiday Week What The Crap Else Are You Doing This Week Thread
Welcome reprobates, degenerates, and occasional nice people. It's that weird middle-of-the-week day in between Christmas and New Year's, and this year it happens to ba Wednesday for Peak Weirdness. Kids don't have school, and most people I know who have actual job-type-job take this week off, too. Where does that
The Dream of Colonial Revenge: MAR v. FRA Slave LaboUr Cup Semi
You know how it is. Some foreigners come to your backyard like they own the place and steamroll over everything: freedom, language, culture, livelihoods... On the other hand [cleans and places monocle] the very ingratitude. This used to be a handful of huts populated by barefoot and unwashed masses. You