Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a
Politics and Junk
Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb
Götterdammerung: Your Wednesday Night Postmortem Thread
Yeah, no Wumbo tonight. Barely a thread tonight. Who knows how long we have before we're shut down for *checks notes* Sexy Friday? Fortunately I got out of my gig early enough to avoid the news from last night's event, but tonight might not be fun. Just three of us, keep
Become Revolutionary: Be Decent
A Bathroom Full of Secrets – Offseason Sunday Open Thread
I am still shaken over a couple of things about the indictment against Trump for keeping, stealing, and hiding intelligence documents on U.S. nukes and other countries' military capabilities. Although “hiding” might be giving too much credit to Trump. Those confidential papers were kept in open boxes stacked around a
Creeps: How I Became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part 7)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about
Testilying: How I became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part Six)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about
Crimes of Poverty: How I became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part Four)
During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision of our professor and an incredible organization called the Bronx Defenders. I am sharing some stories about
NYCHA, Search Warrants, and Leverage: How I became “Radicalized” Against the Criminal Justice System (Part Two)
My experiences navigating the abject cruelty of the criminal justice system while representing misdemeanor defendants in the Bronx. During my third year of law school, one of my courses was a criminal defense clinic, where I represented misdemeanor defendants in Bronx Criminal Court under a student practice order under the supervision
Your “So Let Me Clear My Throat” Thursday Open Thread
Good evening, fellow miscreants and dick joke enthusiasts. As you may have noticed, without Thursday Night Football and hobo season, we don't have a regular Thursday night poster (is that joke out of bounds now that he's paralyzed?). So sometimes you get tehHippo, sometimes you get DonT, sometimes you get
Your Welp? Now What? Thursday Evening Open Thread
“Didn’t You Guys Do This Just Two Years Ago?” – A [DFO] Canadian Election Primer
Part 4 - Hopefully not for four more fucking years, but unlikely. ------------------------------------------------ Well, the election was Monday night, but the weekend played right into the hands of the media and the ridiculous, which the media largely generated. Of course, the conspiracies came out on display. Most notably, the Conservative press alleged that