It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb

I'm taking it upon meself to throw this up. I would have earlier, but I was dealing with a litany of... Yinzerness. Plus, I can't use this is side of DFO at the PSAP. Also, we bottomed out (heh heh "bottomed out" huh huh) at -9 degrees MURICKAN this morning. Anyway,

Götterdammerung: Your Wednesday Night Postmortem Thread

Yeah, no Wumbo tonight. Barely a thread tonight. Who knows how long we have before we're shut down for *checks notes* Sexy Friday? Fortunately I got out of my gig early enough to avoid the news from last night's event, but tonight might not be fun. Just three of us, keep

Become Revolutionary: Be Decent

Donald Trump is a proven liar, fraudster, sex assaulter, top-secrets divulger, and is likely a foreign agent. This declining and feckless creep cares about nothing but his money. I’d offer my condolences to U.S. citizens, but 47 is the president of Puerto Rico too. And we don’t get to vote

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Classical Corner, Part 1

Welcome to a brand-new segment inside of Wumbo Wednesday, Classical Corner. As the violinist of the group I'm expected to be the one to class up the joint. Whether that's justified or not and I'd consider myself classy is beside the point, but like Lent, our Puritan brethren (as in,

The Voodoo He Do So Well: 2024 Stillers What-Have-You

Yinz already know I'm going through the "life transition," and whatever. I'll take my D- on this, and be happy not be exiled to Lowratio's outhouse for a fortnight. Between my work computer not having access to funny gifs, and my home computer is suddenly quite ill, on top of everything...

Your 2023 Yinzer Forecast:

I apologize in advance for the litany of "Pickett's charge" memes we may be exposed to going forward. This isn't to say PICKETT'S GAHNTA SUPERBOWL all UrinatingTree style. I honestly have no clue what to make of Kenneth Shane Pickett. He looked fine at times in 2022, after Tomlin wasn't feeling like Kissing

Summer Reading – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

[Opens book] The village of Carrasco de la Virgen settled by the banks of the river Torrente as if preordained by an indifferent god. It fell on a valley brimming with all kinds of animal life and vegetation.   Ooh... Angry leopards maybe?   Humble olive trees overwhelmed in number but there were all kinds