So, as we mentioned last week, Christmas Eve, or Gigsmas. A time to play all the things. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you have multiple all the things to play, which is to say give your local church organist a hug and/or the beverage of their choice (okay, I got my
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Definitive Christmas Carol Rankings
Wednesday Motivational: Xmas Music Special
Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so
Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread
Requiem for the Bears — A 2023 Musical Season to Date Retrospective
Last WAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH of the off season – Monday night thread
Orks, orks, orks – Monday Night Open Thread
Your 2023 Women’s World Cup Preview Extravaganza! Part 1
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Video Game Soundtrack Dives (& Knuckles)
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: A Guide to Tombeau
Today is Ash Wednesday, which means absolutely nothing in the DFO lexicon in our infinite unwashed massitude. BLEERGH knows no Ash Wednesday and Boltman's Ash Wednesday is just called Wednesday. Actually, there's no distinction in the day of the week and the ashes of burnt femurs, all days are equal