Monday Evening Open Thread – Trench Crusade the War of Heaven and Hell on Earth

Howdy everyone!  I will be attempting to fill the void that is Monday Night, the end of the worst day of the week. How apropo that the best song about Mondays is sung by such a degenerate as John Philips.  And I am well aware of which side he would be

It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

Ballsy’s 2025 Goals – End of January Update


I don't really expect y'all to give a shit whether I achieve my goals or not but I'm writing this to keep myself accountable to myself. You're just innocent bystanders. If you, somehow, are able to get some positive motivation or laughs out of this, that's gravy. Without further ado: GOLF I

Wednesday AM Champions League Match Day 8 Open Thread


As many of you know, the UEFA Champions League has a new format this year. The field has been expanded to 36 with each team playing 8 games against 8 different teams in the competition with 4 at home and 4 on the road. The top 8 at the end

Thursday AM EuroFooty Open Thread


We have several scintillating European football/soccer games on tap for your viewing pleasure today. All times Pacific: Europa League English League One Wrexham v Birmingham As Al Michaels would say, this is a YUUGE game in Wrexham's quest to secure yet another promotion, this time into the English Championship. In their way are the runaway

Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb

I'm taking it upon meself to throw this up. I would have earlier, but I was dealing with a litany of... Yinzerness. Plus, I can't use this is side of DFO at the PSAP. Also, we bottomed out (heh heh "bottomed out" huh huh) at -9 degrees MURICKAN this morning. Anyway,

Ballsy’s 2025 Goals


I didn't really want to call them Resolutions because they're really not. I tend to think of Resolutions as change you want to effect on your life. You are changing something you find deficient. Yes, I do have really high self esteem and yes I do think I'm God's Gift, so

25 Questions About…

BUTT PILLOWS. YES, THEY ARE! Allow me to explain and/or provide some context. Zymm, of all people, posted the image below: Screenshot_20241228-160857~2.png I was, naturally, curious. I looked up the Buttress Pillow website and went down a rabbit hole that allowed me to miss the bulk of the Saturday games. I posted some

Götterdammerung: Your Wednesday Night Postmortem Thread

Yeah, no Wumbo tonight. Barely a thread tonight. Who knows how long we have before we're shut down for *checks notes* Sexy Friday? Fortunately I got out of my gig early enough to avoid the news from last night's event, but tonight might not be fun. Just three of us, keep

Your “Dave Roberts is a Baby and Ken Rosenthal is a Toad” Wednesday Open Thread

If you haven't been paying attention the San Diego Padres for nearly all of their existence, I don't blame you. It has been a deep, dark place to venture into, and unless you live here, why the hell would you? But since signing Manny Machado in 2019, this team has been

Nobody’s Chargers 2024 Season Preview: Payin’ for it

INTERIOR – CHARGERS PRACTICE FACILITY BOARD ROOM, COSTA MESA, CA – MORNING, SEVEN MONTHS AGO DEAN SPANOS: [On the phone] Look, John, it's just like my Daddy used to say, "if the city won't pay, fuck 'em and move!" [Laughs too hard] [Garbled phone response] DEAN: Right?! That place is an absolute dump anyway.

Last off season Monday Night Open Thread

Featured image from: South Okanagan Events Centre (please don't rat me out BC Dick) For your listening pleasure: Tonight is the first and only entry in my new RATE MY BONG series.  Probably because the PoPo will break down my door and take me away.  So, like many people my age, my