Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a
Getting Hatey In Here
Your “Ain’t Got Time to Mate, I’m Here to Hate!” Sexy Friday Evening Hate Week Open Thread
“There’s No Debate – It’s Good to Hate” – Your Thursday Evening Hate Week Open Thread
“Feeling Hate in its Natural State” – Your Wednesday Evening Hate Week Open Thread
“Half-Price Tuesday = Double Value Hate” – Your Hate Week Tuesday Open Thread
“Don’t Be Late – It’s Time For Hate!” – Your Hate Week Monday Open Thread
Dante Hicks Tribute Carpenter Jorb
2024 Narrative Clearinghouse
Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb
Slumbo Wednesday With Not Weaselo – Substitutes Are The Worst (Except For That Who Song)
Sadly, the usual Wednesday night auteur, Senor Weaselo The Stringplucker, had an emergecy pizzicato party to attend, so you're stuck with the non-union equivalent. Fear not! I shall endeavor to guide us through this Humpiest of Days with a menagerie of mindfarts and wordvomit that should sate even the most
Götterdammerung: Your Wednesday Night Postmortem Thread
Yeah, no Wumbo tonight. Barely a thread tonight. Who knows how long we have before we're shut down for *checks notes* Sexy Friday? Fortunately I got out of my gig early enough to avoid the news from last night's event, but tonight might not be fun. Just three of us, keep