It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

The Voodoo He Do So Well: 2024 Stillers What-Have-You

Yinz already know I'm going through the "life transition," and whatever. I'll take my D- on this, and be happy not be exiled to Lowratio's outhouse for a fortnight. Between my work computer not having access to funny gifs, and my home computer is suddenly quite ill, on top of everything...

Balls Magazine Year 2, Volume 7 (28 overall)

This round happened a little before the "Casino" tournament in Palm Springs that my retired friend is putting on. Coincidentally, he was the one that set up the tee time and got the other two in the foursome for this round. This game was also on a work day because 1)

Balls Magazine Year 2, Volume 5 (26 overall) and Pinch Hit Open Thread!

Unfortunately, your usual Warhammer Open Thread will be delayed until next week due to unavoidable circumstances. Call me Manny Mota as I'm pinch-hitting for ArmedandHammered. Today's story is about the May tournament at my home golf club. It was held on Mother's Day Weekend, which ended up reducing the field as

Balls Magazine Year 2, Volume 4 (25 overall)

As you may remember, I let you know about my first tournament win of the year and my lowest score differential ever in Volume 2. Today, I'm going to tell you about the very next tourney I played with my club. This month's tournament was a two-person team Scramble. In this

Balls Magazine Year 2, Volume 3 (24 overall)

Last time, I let you know about my first tournament win of the year and my lowest score differential ever. Today, I'm going to tell you about the very next time I played golf which was roughly three days after the tourney. I took off a Tuesday from work to play

Balls Magazine Year 2, Volume 1 (22 overall)

I just realized the last time I wrote about golf was back in September. A lot has happened since then. On that occasion, I wrote about the Senior Championship at my golf club which is open to anyone over 50. I ended up doing fairly well and scored some points

A Thursday Afternoon Carpenter Existential Experience!

Greetings, hola, guten tag, ni how, and yadda yadda. I swear the month of February exists only to mess with people's sense of time, space, and perception. 2024 is already six weeks old, we never really had winter in Yinzburgh, and I can't tell if the days are getting longer (sort

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so